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The endocochlear potential (EP) of the cochlea was recorded in 20 adult guinea pigs using the microelectrode technique. The falling pattern of EP after one-shot intravenous injection of furosemide (20, 30, 40, 50mg/kg) was analyzed on the basis of the following equation (model A) using the least-square method with a micro-computer.y=L(1-e-r(t-a))where L: maximum EP fallr: reaction ratet: timea: beginning of EP fallAll cases of EP fall were well fitted to the model equation. The values of reaction rate r fell in a limited range regardless of large EP falls. The falling rate of EP caused by furosemide had constant values in each case though FUR blocks EP pump.Then we proposed a second model (model B) which has channelization of the EP pump corresponding FUR receptor and examined the fitness of the acquired EP curves and model using the least square method.The results showed good match between the data and the model. From model B, channelized EP pump was blocked by furosemide on the All or None mode.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- Endocochlear potential and action potential.
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