A multivariate analysis of vertigo and results of several otoneurological tests.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey was conducted of 123 patients with 3 groups of vertigo: 1. Dizziness only, 2. vertigo with hearing loss or canal paresis, and 3. Meniere's disease.A questionnaire was sent to each patient requesting subjective estimation of the degree of severity (normal, moderate or bad) of the vertigo and other ear or generaized symptoms.Several oto-neurologic tests (audiogram, caloric test, stepping test, CMI test, etc) were also performed, and the results were classified into 3 grades.By multivariate analysis techniques (Hayashi's method I and III), the subjective estimations and test results were correlated for each group.In the first two groups (the dizziness only group and the vertigo with hearing loss or canal paresis group) no clear correlation was bund; however in the Meniere's disease, there was a close relationship (r=0.999) between the subjective estimation of vertigo and ear or generalized symptoms and the test results.Therefore, oto-neurologic tests are useful only in patients with advanced disease.
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