CT scan of middle ear ossicles by instillation of liquid in the tympanic cavity.
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Recent advances in CT scanning have permitted us to visualize the fine components of the temporal bone, such as ear ossicles, cochlea or facial canal to some extent. However, even with the latest CT scanner with high resolution, each ossicle cannot be fully depicted, because the partial volume effect obscures the fine structure of the ossicles. In order to minimize this effect, saline solution was instilled into the middle ear cavity through the ear drum. This procedure resulted in clear visualization of important parts of the ossicles, such as long process of the incus or incudostapedial joint. It appears feasible to use this method in the diagnosis of congenital ossicular malformations or acquired ossicular interruption.
小谷 了一
本庄 巌
高知医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
牛呂 公一
八木 伸也
小谷 了一
田島 和幸
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