Preoperative control of Graves' disease. Six cases controlled without the use of antithyroid drugs.:-Six Cases Controlled without the Use of Antithyroid Drugs-
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Six cases of Graves' disease were prepared for surgery without the use of antithyroid drugs because of their side effects. Lugol, β-blocker, and steroids were used instead of antithyroid drugs. Three of these six cases were operated on with the T3 values still much higher than normal. The appropriate period of lugol administration is said to be from two to three weeks. In cases 1 and 3, the period of lugol application was too long bringing about an "escape" phenomenon., whereas in case 2 it was too short to get enough antithyroid effect.If antithyroid drugs cannot be used, it is important to make a treatment plan carefully before starting preoperative control.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
辻 純
玉城 進
大村 正樹
田坂 康之
内藤 恵理
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