- 論文の詳細を見る
Roin Fine Granules were used for the treatment of tinnitus in 25 cases of craniocervical trauma (including 17 cases of head injury and 7 cases of whiplash injury) and the therapeutic efficacy of the preparation was assessed by questioning of the patient and by utilizing pertinent otologic tests. The results indicated that the drug was markedly effective in 11, effective in 5 and ineffective in 9, with a total effectiveness rate of 64%.The effectiveness rate for the drug was higher in younger patients (under 50) than in the elderly and also in patients with a duration of illness of less than one year, as compared to those who had been ill for over one year.It was also demonstrated that patients exhibiting a score of type I or II on CMI test had a definitely higher effectiveness rate for the drug than those displaying a score of type III or IV on the same test.From these results it was concluded that Roin Fine Granules provide a remedy of salient usefulness for tinnitus following injuries of the head and neck.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
牧本 一男
中西 和仁
伊藤 信輔
泉川 不二子
伊藤 信輔
中西 和仁
中西 和仁
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- タイトル無し
- Analysis of carcinoma of the tonsils.
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- タイトル無し
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- タイトル無し
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- Autonomic reflexes as related to the lumbar proprioceptors:With reference to the correlation between pupillary reactions and eye movements induced by repeated electric stimulations of the lumbar erector muscles in rabbits.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic methodology for (benign) nodular goiter.
- :Oral and Intravenous Administration