A NOVEL COLORIMETRIC ASSAY FOR HUMAN SERUM LIAPSE:(II) Serum Lipase Levels in Patients with Pancreatic Diseases and Other Various Disorders
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Although various tests have been proposed to differentiate pancreatic disorders, the differential diagnosis of pancreatic diseases remains unsettled today. Serum amylase activity is perhaps the most widely used clinical index for this purposes. Serum lipase activity is considered as a more specific indicator for pancreatic damage than serum amylase, however, the orthodox lipase assay methods using olive oil as a substrate were tedious and non-reproducible and did not gain popularity in clinical laboratories. Recently, a new and simple colorimetric method for human serum lipase assay has been developed by Kurooka et al15). This method using BAL-tributyrate (BALB) as a substrate is more sensitive than the conventional methods. Lipase levels in 159 normal sera and total 173 hyperamylasemic sera from patients with various diseases including the pancreas were measured by this method. The serum lipase levels in normal 113 male and 46 female subjects were 74.61±34.12 (mean±S.D.), without sexual difference and the upper limit of 142.85 BALB units.The reproducibility of this method was excellent and human serum lipase was stable after repeated freezing and thawing.The determinations of serum lipase were of great diagnostic value in the proved cases of pancreatic diseases. One patient whose cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreas had been removed by total pancreatectomy showed low level of serum lipase. Increase in serum lipase activity was observed in eleven cases of 29 patients with hepato-biliary diseases, however, almost all of these patients were suggested to have some complications of pancreatic disorders. A transient rise of serum lipase activity observed in several patients after abdominal surgery was rapidly normalized, whereas serum amylase remained elevated.The acute rise in serum lipase activity after operation might be caused by operative intervention on the pancreas. The serum amylase levels were abnormally high in all 9 patients with acute parotitis, whereas serum lipase levels were normal in these patients. Abnormally high serum lipase levels were observed in 16 cases out of 20 uremic patients and all five patients with chronic nephritis. The mechanisms responsible for the abnormal high levels of serum lipase in these patients are not yet clear and needed to be elucidated to eliminate the falsely positive results for the diagnosis of pancreatic disorders.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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