Antiviral effects of adenine arabinoside on chronic HBV infection.
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Sixteen male patients with HBeAg positive chronic HBV infection were treated with Ara-A (adenine arabinoside) at dosages of 600mg/day for 28 days and 56 days. Its therapeutic effect in the 6th months after cessation of treatment in those patients was evaluated basically by Merigan et al.<BR>The DNA-P activity was reduced 24 hours later significantly below the pre-treatment level in 11(91.7%)of 12 (p<0.05) and 10 (62.5%) were converted to negative. After cessation of treatment, the DNA-P activity returned to the pre-treatment level in 9 (90%)of 10 patients who had converted to negative during treatment.<BR>Types II and II-III were identified in 5 (33.3%) of 15, confirming the effectiveness of Ara-A therapy. These 5 cases were all CAH with a low DNA-P activity below 500cpm and its effectivieness rate in CAH was 45.5% (5 of 11 cases). Otherwise, 4 cases who were NSRH and CPH with a high DNA-P activity above 1, 000cpm were all Type III.<BR>The above results indicated that Ara-A had an obvious effect in reducing the DNA-P activity, although a limited the therapeutic effect, and may be useful in the treatment of CAH patients with a low DNA-P activity and high transaminase levels.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
中西 敏夫
渡辺 恭行
梶山 悟朗
相光 汐美
吉川 正哉
松浦 寿二郎
池本 吉博
川上 広育
竹崎 英一
末盛 彰一
川本 広夫
竹野 弘
相光 汐美
竹崎 英一
松浦 寿二郎
川上 広育
吉川 正哉
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