Black pigment deposition in reticuloendothelial system in the liver: A study of five autopsy cases with pneumoconiosis.:A study of five autopsy cases with pneumoconiosis
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The effect of inspired dust on extrapulmonary organs in cases with pneumoconiosis has not been clarified. In the present study we have investigated the histological distribution of black pigment, which is thought to be identical to inspired dust, in various internal organs of five autopsy cases pathologically diagnosed as pneumoconiosis.<BR>However we histologically recognized black pigment in the liver and spleen from all five cases, we identified it neither in the skin nor gastrointestinal tract. In the liver, black pigment was recognized mainly within interlobular lymphaticus, perivenous lymphaticus, capsular lymphaticus or adjacent stroma. And we could find a few black pigment in sinusoidal non-parenchymal cell as well. In electron microscopic study, we found three patterns of the association between ultrastructural morphology and its element composition. Though immunohistochemistry revealed that cells containing particles of black pigment were positive for lysozyme, α<SUB>1</SUB>-antitrypsin and α<SUB>1</SUB>-antichymotripsin, these immun- reactivities were weaker than those of cells without black pigment. It may be though that reticulonedothelial cells with black pigment are reduced in their enzyme activities such as lysozyme, suggesting that cellular immunity is impaired in patients with pneumoconiosis.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
奥平 雅彦
渡邊 清治
木田 芳樹
奥平 雅彦
加賀 田豊
奥平 雅彦
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