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1990年11月29~30日に秩父山地甲武信ヶ岳周辺の亜高山帯域に雨氷が現出し,主にシラビソの優占する天然林に被害が発生した。被害は三宝山と木賊山の間を南北に伸びる稜線に沿った標高2,250~2,450mの北東側斜面に見られた。被害地域における樹木の被害程度を把握するために,4つの林分においてコドラート調査を実施した。その結果,各林分において全本数の約20~50%の樹木に被害の発生が見られた。被害形態はほぼ樹冠部の折損あるいは幹折れに限られていた。各調査林分を構成する樹種のうち,シラビソがいずれの林分においても本数で40%以上の高い被害率を示した。シラビソ被害木のサイズ(胸高直径,樹高)は,同種の無被害木よりも明らかに大きかった。このことは,遮断効果によって下層木よりもサイズの大きい林冠木に着氷量が多かったことを示唆している。一方,オオシラビソの被害は概してシラビソより軽微であった。甲武信小屋の主人から得た情報に基づいて,雨氷現出時の秩父山地の北東側と南西側の気温の比較を行った。その結果,雨氷の現出した時間帯における被害の発生した標高域の気温は0℃付近にあった。また,この時間帯に南西~西(山梨県・長野県)側の暖気が北東~東(埼玉県)側へ流入したことによって被害発生地域の数百メートル上空で気温の逆転が生じたものと推定される。一方,同じ時間帯に秩父山地の北東側の栃本(770m)で25.5mmの降雨が記録されていた。これに対して南西側の広瀬ダム(1,060m)のそれはわずか5mmであった。以上のような気象状況から,雨が冷たい気層の中を落下する間に十分に冷やされて過冷却状態になり,それが枝,葉に当たって瞬時に氷結し,着氷量を増加させ,この着氷の荷重によって幹や枝が損傷を受けたものと推定された。今回の雨氷害によってシラビソの優占する林分に数多くのギャップができた。縞枯現象の発達過程についての仮説によれば,縞枯現象は林冠にギャップが生じ,それが発達したものと考えられている。生態地理学的な観点からすると,縞枯現象の初期段階と関連のあるギャップ形成と雨氷害との間に何らかの関係があるように考えられた。The glaze occurred in the subalpine forests in the area around Mt. Kobushi, in the Chichibu Mountains, on the night of the 29th. to the 30th. November 1990 and caused damage to the natural fir forests dominated by Abies veitchii. The damage was found on the northwest slopes of the ridge extending from Mt. Kobushi to Mt. Sanpo in the north and to Mt. Tokusa in the south at altitudes ranging from 2,250 m to 2,450 m a.s.l.. In order to clarify the degree of tree damage in the area, a quadrat survey (10 m×10 m) was carried out in four different stands. A large number of trees (about 20 to 50% of the total number) were damaged by th glaze in every stand. The damage was mostly restricted to crown breakage or stem breakage. Among the tree species, more than 40% of the A. veitchii had the severest damage with broken stems in every stand. The sizes of the damaged trees of A. veitchii were significantly larger than those of the non-damaged ones, which suggests that the amount of ice deposited on the crowns was much larger on canopy trees than on under-canopy trees because of interception of the ice by the former. On the other hand, the damage to Abies mariesii was slighter than that to A. veitchii. According to the keeper of Kobushi Hut, and from the comparison of the temperatures recorded at various plots on both slopes of the Chichibu Mountains, the northeast (Saitama Pref.) slope and the southwest (Yamanashi Pref.) slope during the period concerned, it seems that the air temperature near the ground surface of the damaged area fell to around 0℃. At the same time the inversion of temperature might have occurred at a height of hundreds of meters above the damaged area, caused by the invasion of a warm air mass from the southwest side of the Chichibu Mountains onto the northeast side. During the same period, rainfall of 25.5 mm was recorded at Tochimoto observatory (770 m a.s.l.), at the northeast foot of the Chichibu Mountains, while it was only 5 mm at Hirose observatory (1,060 m), on the southwest slope. Referring to all these meteorological facts, it is inferred that the falling rain drops were super-cooled while passing through the cold atomospheric layer below, and at the instant they dropped on branches and leaves, they were frozen to ice, and fixed and deposited on them. Then, stems and branches were broken by the heavy load of ice. As the result of glaze damage, a large number of small gaps were formed within the subalpine fir forests around Mt. Kobushi. According to the hypothetical process of developmeht of the socalled wave regeneration, small gaps forming within the subalpine fir forests play an important role as the starting point of the developmental process of wave regeneration. The relationship between the glaze damage and the gap formation relating to the starting point of wave regeneration is a very interesting problem from the ecogeographical point of view.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部附属秩父演習林,東京大学農学部林学科,University Forest in Chichibu, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo,Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyoの論文
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