- 論文の詳細を見る
1.秩父山地の標高約1970mに位置する亜高山性針葉樹優占の林分について,更新過程と過去の風害が与えた擾乱の影響を明らかにする目的で,主に構成木の樹齢と直径成長について調査を行った。2.調査林分の林床には北向きの倒木の上に東向きの古い倒木がみられた。これら上下2種の倒木は,調査区内の樹齢構成と直径成長パターンの解析から約110年前および150年前の2度の風害により生じたものと推定された。3.調査区内はその中の各個体の齢構成および直径成長パターンに基づいてP-1,P-2およびP-3の3つのパッチに分けられた。P-1は2度の風害をほとんど受けなかった部分で,樹齢240~360年のコメツガが優占していた。P-2は2度の風害によって胸高直径17.0cm以上の個体に被害が生じた部分で,樹齢160~290年のコメツガと樹齢90~170年のシラベおよびカンパ類が高木層を構成していた。P-3は2度の風害によって胸高直径1.8cm以上の個体が被害を受けた部分で,高木層は樹齢70~140年のシラベと落葉広葉樹によって構成されていた。4.P-2において現在林冠を構成しているコメツガには,2度目の風害当時に胸高直径が7.0cm以下であったものはない。したがって,コメツガとシラベが共存する標高域で風害が生じた場合,被害を受けた林冠構成木に代わってコメツガが林冠を占めるにはある程度のサイズが必要で,本調査区のそれは胸高直径7.0cm以上であった。それに相当する個体が存在しない場合にはシラベや落葉広葉樹が有利に更新するものと推定される。5.現在P-2およびP-3の林冠層を構成するシラベや落葉広葉樹は,コメツガに比べて寿命が短かく,また耐陰性も低いので,長期にわたる遷移過程の中で徐々にコメツガに交代し,やがてそこはP-1のようなコメツガの優占する林分に移行するものと推定される。1. A stand (437.8m2) dominated by subalpine conifers at an altitude of ca. 1970m in the Chichibu Mountains, Central Japan, was studied in order to clarify the processes of its regeneration caused by wind damage occurring in it more than a hundred years ago. 2. Old fallen trees lying in two different directions, a northerly direction and, lyiorg on those, in an easterly direction, were found on the stand floor. Analyses of diameter growth and age composition of the standing trees within the stand suggested that these two groups of fallen trees were blown down by wind storms which occurred twice ca. 110 and 150 years ago. 3. The stand could be divided into three patches, P-1, P-2 and P-3, mainly based on the age composition and the diameter growth pattern of the trees standing in it. The patch P-1 is an area where the stand was saved from the two occurrences of wind damage, and is occupied mainly by Tsuga diversifolia trees ranging from 240 to 360 years old. P-2 is an area where trees with DBH larger than 17.0cm were blown down by the storms, and the tree layer is mainly composed of T. diversifolia ranging from 160 to 290 years old and of Abies veitchii and Betula spp. ranging from 90 to 170 years old. P-3 is an area where trees with DBH larger than 1.8cm were killed by the storms, and the tree layer in it is mainly composed of A. veitchii and deciduous broad-leaved tree species ranging from 70 to 140 years old. 4. All of the trees of T. diversifolia occupying the canopy layer in P-2 at present were no smaller than 7.0cm in DBH at the time of second occurrence of wind damage. Thus, this fact suggests that the gaps in the canopy created by wind damage at high altitudes, where T. diversifolia coexists with A. veitchii, can be filled by T. diversifolia only when advanced trees larger than a certain size have existed under the canopy. In the case of the stands studied, this size is 7.0cm in DBH. If the trees are smaller, A. veitchii and some deciduous broad-leaved tree species can occupy profitable positions in the regeneration. 5. A. veitchii and deciduous broad-leaved tree species composing the canopy layer in the areas P-2 and P-3 at present are gradually being replaced by T. diversifolia in the long course of succession, because the latter is characterized by a longer life span and higher shade tolerance and so has an advantage over the former.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部附属秩父演習林,The University Forest in Chichibu, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyoの論文
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