Zen Practice and Self-control
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this treatise, I considered about the relationship between Zen practice and self-control. Zen practice consists of the interaction between the Activ Zen (concentrating of one's attention upon individual actions in daily life) and Static Zen (Zazen: regulation of body, regulation of respiration and regulation of mind). SATORI is an intuitive awareness which is brought through changes of the way of experiencing and accumulation of these changes. A state in SATORI is psychophysiologically very peculiar. It's rather a well balanced state of body and mind accompanied by tention within relaxation and fulfillment than just a state with body and mind in relaxtion. SATORI would influence one's cognitive structure and could be possible for one to look at oneself and one's world from new angle. These changes of the way of looking at things can be summarized down to the following 2 points. (1) It will be possible for person to face and observe the reality and accept it as it is. (2) One will stop having an ego-centric point of view and will start seeing things from altruistic point of view or will have a wider point of view.
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