Syntheses and Antitumor Activities of 1R,2R-Cyclohexanediamine Pt(II) Complexes Containing Dicarboxylates(Medicinal Chemistry,Chemical)
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New 1R,2R-cyclohexanedimine(=1R,2R-dach) Pt(II) complexes containing dicarboxylate ions. i.e., ketomalonate, malate. saccharate, glutarate, diphenate, and α,β-diphenylsuecinate were synthesized and tested against leukemia L1210 in vivo. All of the dicarboxylato Pt(II) complexes showed relatively high antitumor activities with T/C% values of more than 200 at optimal doses. In particular, mucato and α,β-diphenylsuecinato Pt(II) complexes exhibited excellent antitumor activities with T/C% values of 348 and 369, respectively, with 3 cured mice out of six. The dicarboxylato Pt(II) complexes were determined by elemental analyses to contatin dicarboxylates : Pt : 1R,2R-dach in a ratio of 1:1:1. The molecular secondary ion mass spectra of saecharato and glutarato Pt(II) complexes indicate that these complexes exist in a binuclear form together with a mononuclear form in aqucous solution.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1987-01-25
原田 健一
益田 勝吉
喜谷 喜徳
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
田代 田鶴子
Division of Experimental Chemotherapy Cancer Chemotherapy Center
鈴木 真言
鈴木 真言
名城大学 薬
原田 健一
名城大 大学院
野路 雅英
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
益田 勝吉
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
鈴木 憲治郎
Department of Pharmacy, Tokai Teishin Hospital
鈴木 真言
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
原田 健一
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
喜谷 喜徳
野路 雅英
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
鈴木 憲治郎
Department Of Pharmacy Tokai Teishin Hospital
野路 雅英
名古屋市大 薬
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- 88 天然物化学におけるクロマトグラフィー : 質量分析法の有効利用(口頭発表の部)
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