18 LC/MSを用いるペプチド中の構成アミノ酸決定法 : 改良Marfey法(口頭発表の部)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1984, Marfey reported that a mixture of D- and L-amino acid can be separated into each enantiomer by usual reversed phase HPLC after derivatization with FDAA (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alanine-amide). The method has been refered to as "Marfey's method" and has an advantage that it can determine sterochemistry of an amino acid by simple operation. Although it has been widely used, it is hard to apply the method to non-proteinogenic amino acid, because it is difficult to obtain authentic sample. In such a case it would be effective to combine Marfey's method with an appropriate mass spectrometry. In this study we tried to establish a total method for determination of constituent amino acids including stereochemistry, even unusual amono acids, in peptides without authentic sample. In order to establish the total system shown in Fig. II, the following four problems have to be resolved: 1. Elucidation of limitation of Marfey's method and its separation mechanism 2. Optimization of various conditions for combination of Marfey's method and mass spectrometry 3. Collection of structural information by LC/MS and optimization of epimerization 4. Application of the advanced method to natural products As a result of extensive experiments Marfey's method proved to have a wide applicability except for a few basic amino acids. A separation mechanism was proposed based on NMR measurement of D,L-Val-FDAA derivative and elution behavior of various amino acids. According to this mechanism both isomers can be resolved due to the difference of their hydrophobicity which is derived from cis or trans configuration of two more hydrophobic substituents at both α-carbons of introduced amino acid and L-Ala-NH2, so that D-isomer interacts more strongly with ODS silica gel and has longer retention time. Although Frit-FAB and ESI were used as interfaces in the present study, derivatized amino acids with FDAA showed poor sensitivities. Since it was considered that this result may be due to poor hydrophobicity of the derivatives, a new derivatization reagent, FDLA (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-leucine-amide) was prepared. Derivatized amino acids with FDLA showed the almost same retention behavior as that with FDAA and much stronger sensitivity than that with FDAA by both ionization methods. The advanced Marfey's method was successfully applied to analysis of hydrolyzate of a known antibiotic bacitracin A composed of 12 amino acid residues and it was ensured that the combination method is much superior to the original method. The method is being applied to analysis of naturally occurring peptides from cyanobacteria and would contribute to progress of various researches in this field.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1994-09-20
岡 尚男
原田 健一
原田 健一
真弓 剛
鈴木 真言
猪飼 誉友
藤井 清永
藤井 清永
猪飼 誉友
岡 尚男
鈴木 真言
鈴木 真言
名城大学 薬
原田 健一
名城大 大学院
原田 健一
真弓 剛
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- 18 LC/MSを用いるペプチド中の構成アミノ酸決定法 : 改良Marfey法(口頭発表の部)
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- 37 高速向流クロマトグラフィーによる天然有機化合物の分離(口頭発表の部)
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- 88 天然物化学におけるクロマトグラフィー : 質量分析法の有効利用(口頭発表の部)
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- 91 スダチ中の新フラボン配糖体の構造
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- Chelirubine
- 40 Chelirubineの構造と合成
- イムノアフィニティー抽出を用いる残留農薬のタンデム質量分析法による迅速分析
- マスクロマトグラフィーと選択イオン検出法
- 泡沫向流クロマトグラフィー
- O-Methyldeoxopunjabine, a Secobisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloid Bearing an Aryl Methyl Group, and Three Other Secobisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids, O-Methylpunjabine, Secocepharanthine, and Dihydrosecocepharanthine, from Stephania Sasakii
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rutaceous Plants. LI. Development of a Versatile Method for the Synthesis of Antitumor-Active Benzo [c] phenanthridine Alkaloids. (3). Detailed Examination of the Synthesis of 2-Aryl-1-formamido-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrona
- 14 セファランチンを中心としたビスベンジルイソキノリン型アルカロイドの化学における新展開
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rutaceous Plants. LIV. The Development of a Versatile Method for the Synthesis of Antitumor-Active Benzo [c] phenanthridine Alkaloids. (4). Limitation of Bischler-napieralski Cyclization and Detailed Examination of
- Thiol Compounds. VI. Mass Spectra of (2R, 4R)-2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-mercaptopropionyl)-4-thiazolidinecarboxylic Acid and Related Compounds
- A124 塩基性配糖体抗生物質 Aculeximycin の脱共役機構(第 2 報)
- 85(P2-15) ラン藻中に存在する肝臓毒,microcystin LRとRRに付随する副成分の単離と構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 溶藻性微生物によるラン藻毒ミクロシスチンの分解
- 31 塩基性配糖体抗生物質Aculeximycinの構造研究(口頭発表の部)
- シアン化物イオン及び塩化シアンの分析における緩衝液の検討
- 96(PB3-7) 担子菌が生産する配糖体抗生物質の構造研究(ポスター発表の部)
- Structural Investigation of the Antibiotic Sporaviridin. IX. Chemical Ionization Mass Spectral Studies of Permethylated Viridopentaoses and Their Degradation Products
- Structural Investigation of the Antibiotic Sporaviridin. VIII. Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Viridopentaoses and Related Compounds
- Structural Investigation of the Antibiotic Sporaviridin. VII. Structural Studies on the Constituent Pentasaccharides, Viridopentaoses
- Structural Investigation of the Antibiotic Sporaviridin. VI. Structures of Individual Sugar Components
- 66 Viridopentaose A,B,Cの構造とMolecular SIMS
- 11 塩基性配糖体抗生物質,Sporaviridinの単離と構造
- 77 マイシナミシンの構造研究(6)
- 47 塩基性マクロライドの構造解析における化学イオン化マススペクトロメトリーの利用
- 教育賞受賞 鈴木英次氏の業績
- 37 エナミド光閉環反応を用いた天然物の合成
- 抗生物質の化学的分析法の検討(第2報)プレパックC_カートリッジのテトラサイクリン系抗生物質への適用について
- 薄層クロマトグラフィー/高速原子衝撃質量分析法の食品分析への応用
- TLC/FABMSによるはちみつ中残留テトラサイクリン系抗生物質の同定
- 改良型精油定量器を用いる分析法に関する研究-2-ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)の分析条件の検討
- 28 マススペクトロメトリーによる難揮発性天然有機化合物構造解析へのアプローチ : Emitter CIMSとMolecular SIMS
- 43 Benzo〔c〕phenanthridine型alkaloidの合成法の検討
- HPLCによる畜産食品中のベンズイミダゾール系寄生虫駆除剤の分析
- 改良 Marfey 法の分離機構に関する研究 : 塩基性アミノ酸の分離挙動
- HPLCによる畜産食品中のベンズイミダゾール系寄生虫駆除剤の分析