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Recently, aging society becomes serious problem. In this research, pays attention to the wheelchair from among welfare and medical equipment which is "Foot" for the physically handicapped person and the senior citizen. The following two systems were constructed for that User Interface which can single-step wheelchair certainly and easily and Autonomous running and obstacle avoidance function to reduce complex operation. We use indoors camera (global camera) and camera on the wheelchair (local part camera) in a different usage. The operator clicks the global camera image projected onto the operator computer for the display and converts the chick point to local coordinate system by operator's computer. Then computed rate vector to reach the target point and transmit to the autonomous wheelchair. The note type computer that loaded wheelchair controls wheelchair to tend target point along to the rate vector. In this time, the local camera always monitor safety area forward of the wheelchair. If wheelchair invades no safety areas, wheelchair is stopped. This system was conferred by experiment to control wheelchair using global and local camera information.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
羅 志偉
加藤 厚生
元 愛知工業大学大学院工学研究科
川合 康司
愛知工業大学 大学院工学研究科
平松 誠治
愛知工業大学 電気工学科
羅 志偉
加藤 厚生
愛知工業大学 電子工学科
平松 誠治
平松 誠治
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