Cell Projection Lithography with Scattering Contrast
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-12-30
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
NAKAYAMA Yoshinori
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
SOHDA Yasunari
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
Satoh Hidetoshi
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Sohda Y
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
SOMEDA Yasuhiro
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi. Ltd.
ITOH Hiroyuki
Instrument Division, Hitachi, Ltd.
Nakayama Yoshinori
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Lid.
Itoh H
Chiba Institute Of Technology
Someda Yasuhiro
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Saitou N
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi. Ltd.
Saitou Norio
Central Reserch Labolatories Hitachi Ltd.
Saitou Norio
Central Research Lab. Hitachi Ltd.
Satoh H
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Sohda Yasunari
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Itoh H
Instrument Division Hitachi Ltd.
Nakayama Yoshinori
Central Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-8601, Japan
Sohda Yasunari
Central Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-8601, Japan
- Stitching Error Analysis in an Electron Beam Lithography System: Column Vibration Effect
- The Requirements for Future Elcetron-Beam Reticle Fabrication Systems from an Error Analysis Viewpoint
- Error Analysis in Electron Beam Lithography System : Thermal Effects on Positioning Accuracy
- InGaAsP/InP Laser Diodes Mounted on Semi-Insulating SiC Ceramics : B-2: LD AND LED-1
- High-Density Recording Characteristics of a 90 mm Phase-Change Optical Disk
- Polymer Dissolution Characteristics of Radiation-Induced Grafted Resist in X-Ray Lithography
- Annealing Enhancement Effect by Light Illumination on Proton Irradiated Cu(In,Ga)Se_2 Thin-Film Solar Cells : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Radiation Resistant Low Bandgap InGaASP Solar Cell for Multi-Junction Solar Cells : Semiconductors
- Preparatory Study for the Matrix-Pattern Imaging, BE System
- Design and Evaluation of an Electron Objective Lens System with Two Lenses and Two Defiectors
- Analysis of Eddy Current Effects in an Electron Optical Column
- Cell Projection Lithography with Scattering Contrast
- Observation of VUV Emission Spectra from DC Positive Corona Discharge
- A Novel Generation Method of Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Ozone Production Using a Piezoelectric Transformer
- Luminescence from Fluorescent Material Excited by Piezoelectric Transformer
- Luminous Phenomenon of Silent Discharge Using a Piezoelectric Transformer
- Fine Pattern Fabrication below 100 nm with 70 kV Cell Projection Electron Beam Lithography
- Thermal Characteristics of Si Mask for EB Cell Projection Lithography
- Role of Ion Bombardment in Field Emission Current Instability
- Electron Beam Direct Writing Technology for 64-Mb DRAM LSIs : Lithography Technology
- Electron Beam Direct Writing Technology for 64-Mb DRAM LSIs
- Performance of a 600 Mbyte 90 mm Phase-Change Optical Disk against Disk Tilt
- Proposal for the Coma Aberration Dependent Overlay Error Compensation Technology
- Improved Alignment Accuracy Using Lens-Distortion Correction for Electron-Beam Lithography in Mix-and-Match with an Optical Stepper
- Active Vibration Correction in Electron Beam Lithography System
- High Speed Electron Beam Cell Projection Exposure System (Special Issue on Quarter Micron Si Device and Process Technologies)
- EB call projection Lithography : Lithography Technology
- Mask Fabrication with Submicron Line-Width by Electron Beam
- Fine Chromium Grating Directly Made by Irradiating Electron Beam
- A Novel Probe Size Measurement Method for a Fine Electron Beam : Inspection and Testing
- Highly Accurate Grating Reference Fabricated by EB Cell Projection Lithography
- Characteristics of Bending Parts of Metal Plates Using Ultrasonic Bending Systems with a Vibration Punch and a Vibration Die
- Low Dielectric Constant Insulator Formed by Downstream Plasma CVD at Room Temperature Using TMS/O_2
- A Novel Probe Size Measurement Method for a Fine Electron Beam
- Phase-Hologram Fabrication with a Computer-Controlled Electron Beam
- Monte Carlo Simulation for the Energy Dissipation Profiles of 5-20 keV Electrons in Layered Structures
- Change of Apparent Sensitivity of an Electron Resist Due to Backing Materials
- Electron Beam Lithography-Present and Future
- Study of Measurement Condition Optimization in Critical Dimension-Scanning Electron Microscope
- Analysis of Trapezoid Distortion due to Charge-Up in Electron Beam Recording
- Simulation of Limited-Area Cathode as Mask-Irradiation Source
- Measurements of Variable-Shaped Electron Beams with Solid-State Detector and Scattering Aperture
- Studies on Ultrasonic Vibration Bending of Thin Metal Plates : High Power Ultrasonics
- Preparatory Study for the Matrix-Pattern Imaging, EB System
- Charge Modeling for Metal Layer on Insulating Substrate