Reduced Damage Generation in GaAs Implanted with Focused Be Ions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1984-07-20
Optoelectronic Joint Research Laboratory
Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory
Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Bamba Y
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Bamba Yasuo
Fujitsu Laboratories Limited
Miyauchi E
Fujitsu Ltd. Kanagawa
Takamori Akira
Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory:(present Address) Matsushita Electric Ind. Co.
Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory
Arimoto H
Fujitsu Lab. Ltd. Atsugi Jpn
- Arsenic Pressure Dependence of Interdiffusion of AlGaAs/GaAs Interface in Quantum Well
- Comparison of Lateral Resolution of Fine Stripes Beryllium and Boron Implanted by Focused Ion Beam in Si-Doped AlGaAs/GaAs Multiquantum Wells
- Fabrication of Submicron Grating Patterns Usinc Compositional Disordering of AlGaAs-GaAs Superlattices by Focused si Ion Beam Implantation
- Fabrication of Index-Guided AlGaAs MQW Lasers by Selective Disordering Using Be Focused Ion Beam Implantation
- SIMS Study of Compositional Disordering in Si Ion Implanted AlGaAs-GaAs Superlattice
- Suppression of Beryllium Diffusion by Incorporating Indium in AlGaAs for HBT Applications using Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- High-Power 650-nm-Band AlGaInP Visible Laser Diodes Fabricated by Reactive Ion Beam Etching Using Cl_2/N_2 Mixture
- Reduction of Aspect Ratio in 650 nm-Band Self-Sustained-Pulsing Lasers with Saturable-Absorbing Layer
- Extremely Low Astigmatism and Aspect Ratio in 650nm-Band Self-Pulsing AlGaInP Lasers with Strained-Quantum-Well Saturable-Absorbing Layer
- 650nm-Band High Power AlGaInP Visible Laser Diodes Fabricated by Reactive Ion Beam Etching Using Cl_2/N_2 Mixture
- Damage Profile in GaAs, AlAs, AlGaAs, and GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices Induced by Si^+-Ion Implantation
- Thermal Diffusion of Buried Beryllium and Silicon Layer in GaAs Doped by Focused Ion Beam Implantation
- Alignment Signal from a Mark Deformed by Molecular Beam Epitaxial Overgrowth for Focused Ion Beam Implantation
- Cleaning of MBE GaAs Substrates by Hydrogen Radical Beam Irradiation
- Growth-Interrupted Interfaces in Multilayer MBE Growth of Gallium Arsenide
- Si Depth Profiles in Focused-Ion-Beam-Implanted GaAs
- GaAs Growth Using an MBE System Connected with a 100 kV UHV Maskless Ion Implanter
- Reduced Damage Generation in GaAs Implanted with Focused Be Ions
- Pd-Ni-Si-Be-B Liquid Metal Ion Source for Maskless Ion Implantation
- Novel Method for Measuring Intensity Distribution of Focused Ion Beams
- Focused Si Ion Implantation in GaAs
- GaAs Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Be Implanted GaAs Layers
- Lateral Spreads of Be and Si in GaAs Implanted with a Maskless Ion Implantation System
- Sn Ion Doping during GaAs MBE with Field Ion Gun
- Alignment Accuracy of Focused Ion Beam Implantation
- Dependene of Focused Ion Beam Intensity Profile on Ion Species at Several Orders of Magnitude below the Peak Intensity
- Novel Methods for Measuring Diameter of Focused Ion Beam
- Positional Stability of Focused Ion Beams
- Numerical Study of Effect of Fabrication Damage on Carrier Dynamics in MQW Narrow Wires
- Zn and Si Ion Emission from Au-Zn-Si LM Ion Source
- Effect of Ambient Gases on Emission Properties of Pd-Ni-Si-Be-B LM Ion Source
- Emission Stability of Au-Si-Be LM Ion Source in Various Gas Environments
- Emission Characteristics of Au-Si-Be LM Ion Source
- Formation of n-Layer in In_Ga_As by Si Implantation
- A 100 kV Maskless Ion-Implantation System with an Au-Si-Be Liquid Metal Ion Source for III-V Compound Semiconductors
- Fabrication of Sub-100 nm Wires and Dots in GaAs/AlGaAs Multiquantum Well Using Focused Ion Beam Lithography
- Topographical Contrast of Secondary Electron Intensity Profiles in Focused Ion Beam Implantation : Techniques, Instrumentations and Measurement
- Au-Si-Be Liquid Metal Ion Source for Maskless Ion Implantation