Direct Evidence of Superconductivity of Y-Ba-Co Oxides : The Meissner Effect
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1987-04-20
Department of Pure and Applid Sciences,University of Tokyo
Masumi T
National Inst. Materials Sci. Ibaraki
Masumi Taizo
National Institute For Materials Science Nanomaterials Laboratory
Masumi Taizo
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
MINAMI Hidetoshi
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences,University of Tokyo
HIKAMI Shinobu
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tokyo
Hikami S
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences College Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Department Of Basic Sciences University Of Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Minami Hidetoshi
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tokyo
Minami Hidetoshi
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences College Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Masumi T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Minami H
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
- Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectra of AgBr at High Density Excitations
- Observation of Cyclotron Resonance in TlCl
- Anomalous Electron-LO Phonon Interaction in Cyclotron Resonance of Polarons in the Mixed AgCl_xBr_ System
- Novel Temperature Dependence of Photoconductivity in New Semiconductor Bi_2O_3;M^
- Superconductive-Conjugate Photoconductivity in Host Insulators of the Y_-Ba_x-Cu_3-O_z System
- An Observation of Quantized Series of Step or Clew Temperatures in Superconductive-Conjugate Photoconductivity of Cu_2O
- Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Cyclotron Resonance of Positive Holes and Electrons in Cu_2O
- Dielectric Anomalies and Photoconductibity in Host Insulator Cu_2O Correlative with High-T_c Superconductivity
- Hall Mobility of Positive Holes in Cu_2O
- A Novel Spectral Photoconductivity of the Ca-Sr-Bi-Cu-O System Correlative with Superconductivity
- A Novel Spectral Photoconductivity of the Ba-Pb-Bi-O System Correlative with Superconductivity
- A Novel Spectral Photoconductivity of the La-Cu-O Correlative with Superconductivity
- A Novel Spectral Photoconductivity of the Y-Cu-O,Y-Ba-Cu-O Correlative with Superconductivity
- Magneto-Optical Absorption Spectra of Cu_2O in an Image Map with Five Structures at Higher Fields up to 25T
- Magneto-Optical Absorption Spectra of Cu_2O in an Image Map with Fine Structures at Higher Fields up to 25T
- Surface Photoconductivity of Cadmium Sulphide modified with Magnetic Field
- Magnetic and Structural Properties of the High-T_c Superconductor Ho-Ba-Cu Oxide
- Characterization of the High-T_c Superconductor Y-Ba-Cu Oxide : Critical Current and Crystal Structure
- Magnetic Phase Transitions in 90 K Superconductors HoBa_2Cu_3O_ and GdBa_2Cu_3O_ Observed by ZF-μ^SR : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Optical Properties of CuO Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Optical Properties of Cu_2O Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Spin-Orbit Interaction and Magnetoresistance in the Two Dimensional Random System
- Change of Photocurrent of CdS Single Crystal in a Magnetic Field
- Detailed Examination of Relaxation Processes of Excitons in Photoluminescence Spectra of Cu_2O
- Probing Magnetism of High-T_c Superconductor Y-Ba-Cu Oxide by Positive Muons
- Large Polarons Photodoped in Pure CuO
- New Fine Structures near the Optical Absorption Edge of CuO at Low Temperatures
- High T_c Magnetic Superconductor : Ho-Ba-Cu Oxide
- High Transition Temperature Superconductor: Y-Ba-Cu Oxide
- Anomalies in the Pulsed Photoconductivity of Undoped C_ and Their Relationship to Phase Transitions
- Pulsed Photoconductivity of Undoped Solid C_ with an Anomaly at Phase Transition
- Construction and Performance Test of a Magnetically Levitated Transport System in Vacuum Using High-T_c Superconductors
- Temperature Dependence of Anomalous Magnetism of High-T_c Superconductors : Rare-Earth-Ba-Cu Oxides
- Direct Evidence of Superconductivity of Y-Ba-Co Oxides : The Meissner Effect
- Reconfirmation with Discussion of Anomalies in Photoconductivity of Cu_2O at Low Temperatures
- Structural Properties of a High-T_c Superconductor Ho-Ba-Cu Oxide Studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy
- WKB-Expansion of the HarishChandra-Itzykson-Zuber Integral for Arbitrary β(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Anomalous Transport Phenomena of Photoelectrons in the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor EuO
- Cyclotron Resonance of Polarons in AgBr at High Density Excitation
- Localization Length and Inverse Participation Ratio of Two Dimensional Electron in the Quantized Hall Effect : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- A Broadband and Higher-Power Superconducting Quantum Magnetometer for the Small Signal A-D Converter
- A Simple and Stable Microwave SQUID
- Transformation of Phonon Mode Behaviour in the AgCl_xBr_System
- High Bias Frequency Operation of a Microwave SQUID at 35 GHz
- Direct Observations of the 500 MHz Q-Patterns from the 10 and 35 GHz SQUID's
- An Ultrafast Operation of Microwave SQUID's Biased at 35 GHz
- New Method of Measuring Underlying Conductivity in Highly-Insulating Materials, with its Application to Nonlinear Conductivity of TTF-TCNQ
- A Supplemental Improvement of the Feynman-Polaron Model and the Possibility of Bipolaron Formation (Selected Topics in Semiconductor Physics) -- (Excitons and Polarons)
- Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectra of Free Excitons in Pure AgBr.III.Energy Relaxation Mechanism
- Anderson Localization and Nonlinear σ Model
- Magnetoabsorption of Indirect Exciton in AgCl
- Magneto-resistance Effect in Cadmium Sulphide
- Transient Photoconductivity and Magnetoresistance of Ferromagnetic Semiconductor EuS
- A Possible Mechanism in the High-T_c Superconductivity Reflected on the Photoconductivity
- Quantum Effect, Critical Dynamics and One-Particle Excitation in 1/n Expansion. II
- Nonlinear σ Models on Symmetric Spaces and Large N Limit
- Anisotropic Conductivity of CdS Single Crystals
- Relaxation Time Anisotropy in Cadmium Sulphide Studied with Electrical Resistivity and Magneto-Resistance Effect
- Effective Mass of Polarons in AgBr and Agcl
- Luminescence Spectra of Free Excitons in Pure AgBr down to 500 mK.I.Effects of Annealing
- Dielectric Susceptibility Tensor of Cadmium Sulfide
- Space-Resolved Luminescence Spectra of Free Excitons in Pure AgBr.II.Momentum Relaxation Mechanism
- Dynamics of Hot Electrons "Accumulated" in the Velocity Space of CdS with Acoustic Phonon Interactions
- Direct Evidence for Nonparabolicity of Polaron Energy Spectrum
- Scaling Function for Equation of State in 1/n and ε Expansions
- Scaling Function for Critical Scattering in 1/n Expansion : Numerical Results for Three-Dimension
- Crossover Exponent of the Spin Anisotropic n-Vector Model with Short-Range Interaction in 1/n Expansion
- Nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau Model for High-Temperature Superconductors in a Magnetic Field : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Nonlinear σ Model and Surface Fluctuation Model in the Large N Limit
- Critical Behavior of Classical n-Vector Model near Zero Temperature
- A Few Layered n-Vector Model in the Limit n→∞
- Consistency for a Critical Amplitude Ratio R_χ in l/n and ε Expansions
- Breakdown of Some Scaling Law Relations in 1/n Expansion
- Critical Exponents and Scaling Relations in 1/n Expansion. II : Classical n-Vector Model with Short-Range Interaction
- Critical Dynamics of Planar Ferromagnet with a Small Basal Plane Anisotropy
- Study of Specific Heat below T_c in 1/n Expansion
- Critical Temperature of n-Vector Model near two-Dimensions
- Fixed Points and Anomalous Dimensions in a Thirring-Type Model in 2+εDimensions
- Localization, Nonlinear σ Model and String Theory
- Generalized Grassmannian Nonlinear σ Model with a Group Parameter α
- Phase Transition of Quasi-Two Dimensional Planar System
- Non-Linear σ Model of Grassmann Manifold and Non-Abelian Gauge Field with Scalar Coupling
- Renormalized Expansions for Matrix Models
- Perturbational Calculation of the Quantum Hall Conductivity : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Anderson Localization of the Two-Dimensional Electron in a Random Potential under a Strong Magnetic Field : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Renormalization Group Functions of CP^ Non-Linear σ-Model and N-Component Scalar QED Model
- Equation of State in l/n Expansion : n-Vector Model in the Presence of Magnetic Field
- Critical Behavior of an Extremely Anisotropic n-Vector Model
- SUPERSYMMETRY AND ANDERSON LOCALIZATION(Dynamical Symmetry and Supersymmetry in Nuclear, Particle, and Atomic-Molecular Physics)