Equation of State in l/n Expansion : n-Vector Model in the Presence of Magnetic Field
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The classical n-vector model in the presence of magnetic field is studied by 1/n expansion. A detailed discussion is given of the equation of state up to order 1/n. As an application, the critical temperature and a universal amplitude ratio are investigated.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1977-04-25
Abe Ryuzo
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hikami S
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Department Of Pure And Applied Sciences College Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Hikami Shinobu
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Hikami Shinobu
Research Institute For Fumdamental Pysics Kyoto University
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