Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectra of AgBr at High Density Excitations
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Tow new luminescence bands of AgBr have been investigated over a wide range ofexcitation power. A luminescxence band (,V#-line) at 2 = 465 nun is intrinsic to AgBr athigh density excitations by a pulsed dye Baser, a nitrogen laser and a pico-secondNd"-YAG laser. Dependence of the intensity on the excit;xtion power, the energyposition, the line shape, and the response to external magnetic fields of thisluminescence band verify that the .V-line is due to the partial radiative recombinationof "free excitonic molecules" in AgBr. Another band (0-band) at 2=478 nm is ob-served over a wide range of excitations and yields no superlinear dependence on excita-lion intensity in this range. Multiphonon structure at CW excitation together with sen-sitive dependence of the intensity on the origin and history of specimens suggest thatthe 0-band is due to unknown trapped and/ or immobile states in purer but imperfectspecirnens of AgBr.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-07-15
BABA Tetsuya
Department of Ophthalmology, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
Baba Tetsuya
Department Of Ophthalmology Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Baba Tetsuya
Department Of Pure And Applid Sciences University Of Tokyo:national Research Laboratory Of Metrology
Department of Pure and Applid Sciences,University of Tokyo
Masumi Taizo
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Masumi Taizo
Department Of Pure And Applid Sciences University Of Tokyo
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