Isolation of Two Different Phenotypes of Mycorrhizal Mutants in the Model Legume Plant Lotus japonicus after EMS-Treatment
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Lotus japonicus has been proposed as a model plant for the molecular genetic study of plant-microbe interaction including Mesorhizobium loti and arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM)fungi. Non-mycorrhizal mutants of Lotus japonicus were screened from a collection of 12 mutants showing non-nodulating(Nod^-), ineffectively nodulating(Fix^-)and hypernodulating(Nod^<++>)phenotypes with monogenic recessive inheritance induced by EMS(etyl-methane sulfonate)mutagenesis. Three mycorrhizal mutant lines sowing highly reduced arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization were obtained. All of them were derived from Nod^- phenotypes. In Ljsym72, the root colonization by Glomus sp.R-10 is characterized by poor development of the external mycelium, formation of extremely branched appressoria, and the blocking of hyphal penetration at the root epidermis. Niether arbuscules nor vesicles were formed in Ljsym72 roots. Fungal recognition on the root surface was strongly affected by the mutation in the LjSym72 gene. Unique characteristics in mutant lines Ljsym71-1 and Ljsym71-2 were the overproduction of deformed appressoria and arrested hyphal penetration of the exodermis. Small amounts of internal colonization including degenerated arbuscule formation occurred infrequently in these types of mutants. Not only fungal development on the root surface but also that in the root exodermis and cortex was affected by the mutation in LjSym71 gene. These mutants represent a key advance in molecular research on the AM symbiosis.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Obata H
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie University
Obata Hitoshi
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
Tanaka Akiyoshi
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
SENOO Keishi
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
Solaiman Md
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Senoo Keishi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Division Of Agriculture And Life Sciences The University
Senoo Keishi
Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
Tanaka A
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Akao S
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources
Akao S
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Miyazaki
Sato A
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Akao Shoichiro
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
Solaiman M.Zakaria
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
Obata Hitoshi
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie Univ.
Tanaka A
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie Univ
Tanaka Akiyoshi
Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Kawaguchi Masayoshi
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Senoo Keishi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Uni
Obata Hitoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Mie University
Akao Shoichiro
National Institure Of Agrobiological Resources
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