Scale-Up of Agitation Fluidized Bed Granulation. IV. Scale-Up Theory Based on the Kinetic Energy Similarity
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The scale-up theory based on kinetic energy similarity was proposed to elucidate the scale-up characteristics in agitation fluidized bed granulation. In this model, kinetic energy given to granules by agitator rotation and fluidizing air were taken into consideration. It was found that granule mass median diameter, apparent density and shape factor can be well expressed by the parameter (Rω/u)^2,which showed the ratio of kinetic energy by agitator rotation to that by fluidizing air. Based on the results obtained, effects of operational variables and scale factor on the granule properties could be explained theoretically and granule growth mechanism in agitation fluidized bed granulation was elucidated in detail.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-07-15
佐藤 美洋
宮南 啓
綿野 哲
綿野 哲
Department Of Chemical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Sato Y
Osaka Prefecture University
宮南 啓
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Osaka Prefecture
Sato Y
(present Address)tsukuba Research Institute Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
佐藤 嘉信
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Osaka Prefecture
佐藤 嘉信
Department Of Chemical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
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