Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for β-Endorphin in Human Plasma
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We established a highly sensitive and specific double-antibody enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for β-endorphin (β-EP). For competitive reactions, the β-EP-antibody was incubated with β-EP standard (or sample) and β-D-galactosidase-labeled β-EP (delayed addition). Free and antibody-bound labeled antigen were separated by using an anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G coated immunoplate. The enzyme activity on the plate was fluorometrically determined. The minimal detection limit was approximately 0.4 fmol/well (10 pmol/l). Using this assay system, β-EP-like immunoreactivity (-LI) in human plasma was determined. The level of β-EP-LI in extracted human plasma from 6 normal subjects was 2.44±0.68 pmol/l. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of the plasma of a normal subject revealed a single immunoreactive form which eluted with the same retention time as that of synthetic β-EP.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-07-25
森川 則文
安長 文隆
安長 文隆
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Oita Medical University
森川 則文
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Oita Medical University
武山 正治
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Oita Medical University
武山 正治
Department Of Clinical Pharmacy Oita Medical University
森川 則文
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