Pharmacokinetic Study in Acute Antiepileptic Intoxication Treated with Hemodialysis and Hemoperfusion.
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Efficacy of the hemodialysis and the hemoperfusion was studied for 2 patients (patient A and B) with acute intoxication by antiepileptics as phenobarbital and phenytoin. The serum concentrations of phenobarbital and phenytoin were determined and the values of elimination rate constants in each treatment state were estimated using the compartment model. In patient A, the values of elimination rate constant of phenobarbital during the conservative treatment, the hemodialysis and hemoperfusion were 0.021, 0.073 and 0.205hr-1, respectively. The values of elimination rate constant of phenytoin during the conservative treatmant, the hemodialysis and hemoperfusion were 0.012, 0.024 and 0.123hr-1, respectively. In patient B, the values of elimination rate constant during the conservative treatment and the hemodialysis were 0.0038 and 0.192hr-1, respectively. The serum concentrations profiles of drugs could be predicted and simulated by using the computed each elimination rate constant.The removed drugs amounts by the hemodialysis were related to the rate of protein binding of each drug, but those by the hemoperfusion were not related.The hemodialysis and the hemoperfusion appears to be the rational and highly effective treatments of acute intoxication by antiepileptics.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
武山 正治
森川 則文
藤井 薫
森 一生
森川 則文
武山 正治
藤井 薫
大分医科大学附属病院 精神神経科
藤井 薫
大分医科大学 精神神経医学
森 一生
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