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Tow cases of malignancy preceded by depressive symptoms were reported. Case 1 : Carcinoma of the pancreas. A 57-year-old man developed depressive symptoms associated with epigastralgis, and was referred to us for psychiatric consultation. One month prior to hospitalization a series of extensive medical examinations were conducted. Fasting blood sugar examination, gastrointestinal X-ray series and hypotonic-duodenography were all unremarkable, but 50g GTT showed a diabetic pattern. Therefore, diabetes mellitus was controlled with diet. There was little abatement of his depressive symptoms as well as the abdominal and back pain despite various medication. He continued to lose weight. Scintigram of the pancreas was preformed 20 days before his death, revealing a defect of the tail. Celiac angiography revealed encasement and irregularity of the splenic arteries suggesting the presence of a carcinomatous lesion of the pancreas. Microscopic examination of biopsy specimens of the tumor of the skin confirmed metastatic adenocarcinoma. Eleven months after onset of depressive symptoms, the patient died of carcinomatous effusion of the thorax. Case 2 : Carcinoma of the bile duct. A 68-year-old developed depressive symptoms such as poor appetite, insomnia and loss of ambition, and he was diagnosed as depression. Four months after the onset of depressive symptoms, he developed jaundice, which was diagnosed as obstructive jaundice. Percutaneus transhepatic cholangiography revealed complete obstruction of the bile duct, indicating carcinoma of the bile duct. Cytological examination of the bile found adenocarcinoma. Since depressive symptoms continued even after improvement of jaundice, the patient was referred to psychiatric consultation and diagnosed as depressive associated with malignancy. Patient was discharged after fistel construction. Even though the relationship between depression and malignancy has been emphasized ub a number of studies, medical illness was so often overlooked in the psychiatric patient. We discussed in this paper the features of depressive symptoms of our cases, the relationship between depression and malignancy and importance of medical evaluation of patients with psychiatric symptoms. Some psychiatric conditions, depression and hypochondria in particular, require thorough medical evaluation, as psychiatric treatment of these conditions offers no solution to other physical illness.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1983-04-01
- D-20 側頭葉てんかんと前頭葉機能
- てんかん患者における血清中結合形カルバマゼピン濃度の予測
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- 1D-7 側頭葉てんかん外科治療症例の記憶機能の変化について : 側頭葉切除側による比較
- D-12 側頭葉てんかん外科治療症例の高次脳機能の変化について : 器質例と非器質例による比較
- ID-23 バルプロ酸のTDM
- Kindling現象の聴覚誘発電位に及ぼす効果について
- ラットの活動性,探索行動,アルコ-ル選択の兄弟内,兄弟間の差について
- 抑うつ症状群が先行した悪性腫瘍の2例
- 分類困難な初老期痴呆の1例--症例報告
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- 内科外来におけるうつ病の頻度(各科領域におけるうつ病の実態と留意点)(第33回日本心身医学会総会)
- S-I-1 内科外来におけるうつ病の頻度(各科領域におけるうつ病の実態と留意点)
- うつ病(depression)は治るか
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- TDM of valproic acid(VPA).Study of an optimum blood sampling time.
- Valproic acid blood level prediction by population pharmacokinetics and Bayes estimation method.
- Prediction of non-bonding carbamazepine density in serum of infant patient of epilepsy.