Panic attack の記述現象学
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For phenomenological elucidation of panic attacks, patients with panic attacks were asked the sequence of panic symptoms they suffered during attacks. Enrolled in this study were 20 patients (6 men and 14 women) with a mean±SD age of 30.9±8.4 years. A diagnosis of panic disorder based on the DSM-III-R criteria was made in all patinents, half with agoraphobia and the other half without. The mean±SD age of the onset of the illness was 27.7±8.3 years and the mean±SD duration of it was 3.6±2.3 years. All patients had been receiving drug therapy before participating in the study, and 55% of them used to have at least one panic attack per week. These patients were requested to name the panic symptoms in order of their occurrence and specify the patterns of their abatement. The median number of symptoms experienced by patients was six. Symprom rankings were presented in a boxplot using medians, quartiles, minimumas, and maximumas. Panic symptoms were found to be claasifiable into three categories : early symptoms consisting of dizziness or faintness, palpitations, and sweating; intermediate symptoms comprising dyspnea, shaking, choking, nausea or abdominal distress, flush or chills, and chest pain or disomfort; late symptoms represented by paresyhesias, fear of dying, and fear of going crazy. Panic symptoms disappeared in 63% of the patients irrespective of the sequence of their occurence. The hypothesis that hyperventilation induces panic attacks seems to be untenable, because dyspnea is one of the intermediate symptoms. In our study fear was one of the late symptoms. This finding suggests that fear is caused by a sudden physical abnormality triggered by some biological factors, rather than supporting concept that anxiety and fear induce other symptoms of panic attakcs.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1991-04-01
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