微生物におけるDNAおよびDeoxyribosyl化合物の生成とビタミンB_<12>の関係 : (I)Lactobacillus leichmannii菌体浮遊液におけるDNAおよびDeoxyribosyl化合物生合成にたいするHydroxocobalaminとCyanocobalaminの効果の比較
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This paper deals with the comparison of the effects of cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin on the syntheses of acid-soluble deoxyribosyl compounds and DNA in vitamin B_<12>-starved cells of Lactobacillus leichmannii grown on a medium containing deoxyguanosine instead of vitamin B_<12>. The ratio of DNA to RNA in the cells was significantly lower than that of normal cells. The cell elongation was not recognized. contrary to an usual vitamin B_<12> starvation. The incubation of the cells in a medium containing cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin or DBCC permitted a remarkable increase of acid-soluble deoxyribosyl compounds followed by DNA synthesis without the increase of RNA content as well as the growth. Hydroxocobalamin exerted a greater effect than cyanocobalamin. DBCC exogenously added showed almost the same activity as that of hydroxocobalamin being inconsistent with the authors' observation that vitamin B_<12>-group compound derived from external cobalamins in the cells seems to be identical with DBCC or a closely related substance. The reason might be attributed to splitting of the deoxyadenosyl ligand from DBCC molecule when it is uptaken into the bacterial cells.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1964-11-25
- ビタミンB_およびその関連化合物の化学的研究 : (XXVII)Aerobacter aerogenes ATCC8724のPropanediol dehydrataseおよびGlycerol dehydratase産生におよぼす条件
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- 3.Propanediol-Propionaldehyde異性化反応の立体選択性(予報)(第151回会議研究発表要旨)
- Candida tropicalisによるアルカン基質からのカタラーゼの生産
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- 67.ビタミンB_補酵素類縁体の吸収スペクトルおよび濾紙電気泳動的挙動と化学構造との関係(日本ビタミン学会第17回大会研究発表要旨)