Production and Some Properties of a Dextrin with a Narrow Size Distribution by the Cyclization Reaction of Branching Enzyme
- 論文の詳細を見る
Branching enzyme (BE, EC catalyzes the cyclizaiton of amylose and amylopectin (Takata et al., J. Bacteriol., 178,1600-1606,1996; Takata et al., Carbohydr. Res., 295,91-101,1996). Amylopectin was converted to dextrin using the cyclization eaction of BE from Bacillus stearothermophilus TRBE14. The enzyme efficiently degraded amylopectin even when the concentraiton of substrate was high (20-30% w/w), and the product had a narrow molecular weight distribution cmpared with those of commercial dextrins. These results suggest that BE may be useful as a new starch-procesing enzyme. The product was highly soluble in water to give a highly stable, clear solution. The results also sugegst that the product reduces the tendency of other dextrins to undergeo retropgradation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1997-08-25
田中 孝明
Takagi Masahiro
School Of Materials Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Takata Hiroki
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico
Takagi M
School Of Materials Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
IMANAKA Tadayuki
Department of Synthetic and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Takata Hiroki
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Takagi M
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Takaha Takeshi
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Imanaka Tadayuki
Department Of Applied Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Fujii K
Shinshu Univ. Nagano Jpn
Okada Shigetaka
Biochemical Research Laboratory, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Central Research Laboratory
Biochemical Research Laboratory
Okada S
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Okada Shigetaka
Biochemical Research Laboratory Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.
Takagi Masahiro
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
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