Conversion of aconitine lipoaconitine by human intestinal bacteria and their antinociceptive effects in mice
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Aconitineはヒト腸内細菌とインキュベーションすることにより,lipoaconitine(LA)に変換された。Frit-FAB LC/MSやGC/MSによる分析結果から,このLAの脂肪酸組成は用いた菌種の脂肪酸組成と類似していることが明らかとなった。すなわち,Bacteroides fragilisから生成するLAの主な脂肪酸はanteiso-C15:0,n-C15:0,n-C16:0であり,Klebsiella pneumoniaeや糞便の細菌叢によって生成するものはn-C16:0であった。また,Clostridium butyricumからのLAはC18:1,C18:0,C16:1,C16:0であった。LAはまた,リン酸緩衝液中でaconitineと加熱処埋した細菌や細胞破砕後の沈殿物とのインキュベーションによっても生成した。Aconitineは0.1mg/kgの用量で侵害受容高感受性マウスにおける侵害受容閾値を増大させたが,8-O-oleoylbenzoylaconine(OBA)は3.0mg/kgの高用量で活性を示し,毒性も見られた。8-O-Palmitoylbenzoylaconine(PBA)は30mg/kgで活性を示した。これらの知見からORA,PBAは附子やそのアルカロイド(aconitine)の抗侵害受容作用に重要な役割を演じてはいないことが示唆された。
- 和漢医薬学会の論文
- 1999-04-30
Wang Hong
Department of Oriental Medicinal Material & Processing, College of Life Science, Kyung Hee Universit
服部 征雄
服部 征雄
Institute of Natural Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical University
Nanba T
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Namba Ttuneo
Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Namba Tsuneo
Research Institute For Wakan-yaku (traditional Sino-japanese Medicines) Toyama Medical And Pharmaceu
Hattori Masao
Department Of Metabolic Engineering Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical
Department of Metabolic Engineering, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutica
Department of Metabolic Engineering, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutica
Development for Drug-resources, Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku
MA Cho-mei
Departments of Cell-Resources Engineering, Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku
NAMBA Tsuneo
Development for Drug-resources, Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku
SATOH Kazuya
Department of Applied Pharmacology
Department of Applied Pharmacology
Namba T
Development For Drug-resources Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
Meselhy Meselhy
Departments Of Cell-resources Engineering Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
Meselhy Meselhy
Department Of Cell-resources Engineering Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceut
Nakamura N
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Ma Cho-mei
Departments Of Cell-resources Engineering Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
Kawata Yukio
Development For Drug-resources Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
Meselhy M
Institute Of Natural Medicine Facully Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Pharmaceutical University
服部 征雄
Wang Hong
Department Of Applied Biology Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
Namba Tsuneo
富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所 資源開発部門
Nakamura N
Departments Of Cell-resources Engineering Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
Kuraishi Yasushi
Department Of Applide Biochemistry Research Institute For Wakan-yaku Toyama Toyama Medical And Pharm
Nakamura Norio
Department Of Biology Yokohama City University
Nakamura Norio
Institute Of Natural Medicine Facully Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Pharmaceutical University
Nakamura Norio
Institute Of Natural Medicine
Nakamura Norio
Department Of Anatomy Gunma University School Of Medicine
Wang Hong
Departments Of Cell-resources Engineering Research Institute For Wakan-yaku
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