Detection of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Ions at NIRS-HIMAC
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Murayama Chieko
Sch. Med. Tokai Univ.
Hirayama Ryoichi
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institut
Furusawa Y
Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
ITO Atsushi
Sch. Eng., Tokai Univ.
Sch. Engineering, Tokai Univ.
Hirayama Ryoichi
Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech. Chiba Univ.
Ito Atsushi
Sch. Eng. Tokai Univ.
- Comparison of DNA Breaks at Entrance Channel and Bragg Peak Induced by Fast C^ Ions : Influence of the Addition of Platinum Atoms on DNA
- Two Major Factors Involved in the Reverse Dose-rate Effect for Somatic Mutation Induction are the Cell Cycle Position and LET Value
- Responses of total and quiescent cell populations in solid tumors to carbon ion beam irradiation (290 MeV/u) in vivo
- RBE and Dose Distribution of Heavy Ion Beams.
- Dose response relations in acute cell death of pancreatic islets after irradiation of golden hamster with X-ray ,7OMeV proton and 290MeV carbon beams.
- RBBs of 30MeV Fast Neutrons and 135MeV Carbon Beams for Clongenecities in Mouse Growing Tail Cartilage Cells.
- Protective Effects of Melatonin Against Low- and High-LET Irradiation
- Repair of Skin Damage During Fractionated Irradiation with Gamma Rays and Low-LET Carbon Ions
- Biological Gain of Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for the Early Response of Tumor Growth Delay and against Early Response of Skin Reaction in Mice
- 196 Sub-Letahl Damage Repairs Efficiently After High-LET Radiation(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Spectra of Linear Energy Transfer vs. Relative Biological Effectiveness for Accelerated Heavier Ions upon Clonogenic Survival of V79 Cells
- RBE and OER for Cell Killing upon V79 Cells by Heavy-Ion Beams at a Very High LET Region
- Response of Crypt Cell Survivals of Mouse Intestine after Fractionated Doses of Accelerated Carbon-Ion with Spread-Out Bragg Peak.
- Analysis of Survival Curve Parameters caused by High-LET Accelerated Ion Beams, Cell Strains, and LETS
- Exploration of 'Over Kill Effect' of High-LET Ar-and Fe-ions by Evaluating the Fraction of Non-hit Cell and Interphase Death
- Heavy-Ion Microbeam System at JAEA-Takasaki for Microbeam Biology
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of Accelerated Heavy Ions for Induction of Morphological Transformation in Syrian Hamster Embryo Cells
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of Accelerated Heavy Particles for Induction of In Vitro Transformation of Hamster Embryonic Cells.
- LET Dependence for Somatic Mutation Cross Section of Drosophila Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams
- LET Dependence for Induction of Drosophila Somatic Mutations Irradiated with Heavy Ion Beams.
- Effectiveness of Monoenergetic and Spread-Out Bragg Peak Carbon-Ions for Inactivation of Various Normal and Tumour Human Cell Lines
- Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams
- Biological Intercomparison Using Gut Crypt Survivals for Proton and Carbon-Ion Beams
- Relationship between Aberration Yield and Mitotic Delay in Human Lymphocytes Exposed to 200 MeV/u Fe-ions or X-rays
- A New Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Mammalian Cells and Ion Tracks on a Surface of CR-39
- Number of Fe Ion Traversals Through a Cell Nucleus for Mammalian Cell Inactivation Near the Bragg Peak
- 210 Mutation Spectrum of Bacillus subtilis Spore Irradiated With Heavy Ion Near the Bragg Peak(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 200 Each Ion Traversal Induces a DSB Cluster in Cell Nucleus(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Visualization of Heavy Ion Traversals in Cell Nucleus : Labeling of DNA Strand Breaks with BrdU
- DNA strand breaks and base damage induced by low energy ions near Bragg peak
- Strand breaks in pBR322 DNA in solution induced by low energy carbon ions
- DNA strand breaks induced by carbon ions near the Bragg peak-Are DSBs induced more efficiently than SSBs?
- DNA strand breaks induced by heavy ions near the Bragg peak.
- Induction of Chromatin Damage and Distribution of Isochromatid Breaks in Human Fibroblast Cells Exposed to Heavy Ions
- Analysis of Unrejoined Chromosomal Breakage in Human Fibroblast Cells Exposed to Low- and High-LET Radiation
- Radiation-Quality Dependent Bystander Effects Induced in Normal Human Fibroblasts by X-ray, Proton and Heavy-Ion Microbeams
- RBE for scid cells irradiated with high LET radiations
- The Influence of Mutation Induction in Normal Human Fibroblasts Irradiated with X Rays and Iron Ions
- Signaling factors and pathways of targeted irradiation induced bystander responses in tumor cells
- 8^ International Workshop on Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response
- 1P452 An energy-tunable X-ray microbeam irradiation system at the Photon Factory(20. Radiation biology,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- Repair Kinetics of DNA-DSB Induced by X-rays or Carbon Ions under Oxic and Hypoxic Conditions
- Microbeams of Heavy Charged Particles
- Bystander Effect in Lymphoma Cells Vicinal to Irradiated Neoplastic Epithelial Cells : Nitric Oxide Is Involved
- Distribution of DNA Damage induced by high LET heavy ion particle beams
- HIMAC Carbon-12 Induced Apoptosis in Murine Leukemia Cells, L5178Y and L5178YS
- 198 LET dependence of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Ions under Hypoxic Condition(Physics, chemistry and DNA damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Heavy-ion Induced Chromatid Break and Repair Kinetics in Normal Human Fibroblasts
- Radiation Induced Bystander Effect by Gap Junction Channels in Human Fibroblast Cells
- Signal Transfer Pathways Involved in the Irradiation-Induced Bystander Effects
- Synergistic Effect by Heavy-Ion Beams and a Hypoxic Sensitizer on Repreductive Death and Apoptosis of V79 Cells
- Detection of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Ions at NIRS-HIMAC
- Models for Mixed Irradiation with a 'Reciprocal-Time' Pattern of the Repair Function
- Mathematical Analysis of Mixed Irradiation
- Killing, Mutation and DNA Double Strand Breaks in Mammalian Cells Induced by Monochromatic X-rays with Resonance Energy of Phosphorus K-absorption Edge
- Influence of the Shielding on the Induction of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes Exposed to High-energy Iron Ions
- Medium-mediated Bystander Effects on HSG Cells Co-cultivated with Cells Irradiated by X-rays or a 290 MeV/u Carbon Beam
- Lack of Interaction Between Accererated Argon Ion and X-ray Biological Damage
- Synergistic Effect by Heavy-Ion Beams and a Hypoxic Sensitizer
- Loss of the Cell Adhesive Ability and LET by Heavy-Ion Exposure
- Repair of Potentially Lethal Damage in V79 Cells by Monochromatic X-rays on and off the K-Shell Absorption Peak of Intracellular Phosphorus
- Biologcal dosimetry of solar UV radiation : Correlation betveen sporocidal activity and spectral irradiaace.
- Visualization of Heavy Ion Tracks by Labeling 3'-OH Termini of Induced DNA Strand Breaks
- Biological Homogeneity of HIMAC Therapeutic SOBP Carbon Beams
- Comparison Between the Yield of DNA Strand Breaks and Ferrous Ion Oxidation in a Fricke Solution Induced by a Heavy-Ion Beam
- Effects of FractionalIrradiation of Carbon Ions for Survival and Mutation Frequency on Mammalian Cells
- 233 Bystander Effect in p53 Expression Using X-ray Capillary Microbeam(Micro-beam irradiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Action spectra for dTpdT photoproducts in the near- and far-UV regions.