ムーニー試験機によるゴムの諸測定値 : 高分子レオロジー
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Two types of measurement were carried out for SBR samples (the molecular weights were ranging from 1×10^5 to 6×10^5) by using a conventional Mooney Viscometer at a fixed temperature of 100℃. First, the mechanical response of the sample at a constant rate of rotation of the rotor (2 rpm) was measured from the transient to the stationary state. This type of measurement would be called hereafter the constant rate of shear experiment. The second type of measurement would be denoted by the stress-relaxation experiment which began after sudden cessation of the rotation of the rotor oat any given instance during the course of the first type experiment. The data on the constant rate of shear experiment showed that the response in the transient region could be approximated by a single exponential function of time irrespective of molecular weights of the samples. Thus, an empirical equation form the time dependent stress data was given by [numerical formula], (1) where ML represents the stress expressed in terms of Mooney unit. ML_0, ML_∞ and τ in Eq. (1) are constants independent of time t. A generalized from of Eq. (1) could be written in the form, [numerical formula], (2) where HL(θ) is a distribution function of the variable θ. It was found from double logarithmic plots of the stress-relaxation data that in the shorter time region each curve could approximately be represented by a straight line with a slope of -1/2 irrespective of previous rotation periods of the rotor. For this region we have [numerical formula]. (3) Here the asterisk specifies those obtained in the stress-relaxation experiment. AL is a constant independent of time t. The value of AL appeared to be closely related to the previous rotation period of the rotor and the longer the previous rotation period of the rotor, the smaller the value of AL became. When the rotation period was long enough so that a stationary state was reached in the constant rate of shear experiment, the value of AL approached a constant value AL_∞. Plotting (ML-ML_∞) against [(AL-Al_∞)/AL_∞], it was found that there was a direct proportionality between those two. Thus we have [numerical formula], (4) where XL is a proportionality constant and may be regarded as a measure of the amount of stored elastic energy in the sample at the stationary flow state. The difference between ML_∞ and XL, denoted by the symbol YL, would be considered free from the stored elastic energy. (AL_∞/XL)^2 may be proportional to the rate constant for the relaxation process in the stress-relaxation experiment.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1961-05-15
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