Piezoreflectance of TICI and TIBr at Liquid Helium Temperature
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Piezo-modulated reflection spectra of the first exciton band of TICI and TlBrare investigated at liquid helium temperature. Both the energy shift and thechange in oscillator strength caused by [001] stress are observed for each com-ponent of the doublet structure in the first peak. Stress response is analysed interms of intra- and intervalley interactions of excitons at inequivalent X pointsin the Brillouin zone. Diagonal term E3 -E. and off-diagonal term M,. in theHamiltonian of the intra- and intervalley interactions are estimated. Tetragonaldeformation potential constant D'. is also obtained. Results are E. -E.= 1.9 j.0.3men, M,.=0.9.[0.2meV and 7)f=1.6f0.3eV for TICI and E3 -Eg=1.340.4men, M,.=0.2f0.5 meV and Df=0.4.[0.2 eV for TlBr.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-06-15
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
Fujita Masami
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Fujita Masami
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Osaka University Facully Of Medicine
Fujita Masami
Department Of Physics Kyoto University:maritime Safety Academy
OHNO Nobuhito
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Ohno N
Waseda Univ. Tokyo
Ohno Nobuhito
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Electro-communication University
Nakamura Kaizo
Department Of Physics Faci4ty Of Science Kyoto University
Ohno Nobuhito
Department of Materials Science,Faculty of Engineering,Osaka Electro-Communication University
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