Luminescence in β-ZnP_2 at Low Temperatures : Intersystem Spin Conversion of Exciton Polaritons : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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Various aspects of luminescence in β-ZnP_2 have been investigated at low temperatures. Formation of exciton molecules is confirmed under the CW resonance excitation into the lowest 1s triplet exciton absorption band. The exciton molecule emission band M appears at a moderately weak laser power. Low energy component C_<L1> of the singlet luminescence comes from the anti-Stokes acoustic phonon scattering of the triplet excitons. From the outgoing resonance of the LO Raman line, it is confirmed that the high energy component C_<L2> has many strong phonon sidebands, while low energy component C_<L1> has no sideband. Furthermore, a novel luminescence C_T resulted from the anti-Stokes scattering of the triplet excitons has been found. From detailed excitation spectra, we can deduce some of the relaxation paths of the exciton polaritons.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2001-04-15
有本 收
Kondo K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
KONDO Kenjiro
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Komeya K
Graduate School Of Environment And Information Sciences Yokohama National Univ.
Kondo K
Stanley Electric Co. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Nagasaki Hiroshi
Department of Metabolic Diseases, Field of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University Graduate School of M
Arimoto Osamu
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Kondo Kunitaka
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Nagasaki Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Okayama University:(present) Uchihashi Estec Co.
Nagasaki Hiroshi
Department Of Metabolic Diseases Field Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University Graduate School Of Med
Arimoto Osamu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Kondo Ken'ichi
Broadcasting Science Research Laboratories Of Nippon Hoso Kyokai:(present Address) Moririka Electron
Nakamura Kaizo
Department Of Physics Faci4ty Of Science Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Okayama University
Department of Physics, Okayama University
Department of Physics, Okayama University
Kondo Kanji
Department Of Environmental Science & Technology Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University
Shigoku Minoru
Department Of Physics Okayama University:(present) Ushio Inc.
Nagasaki Hiroshi
Department Of Kinesiology Tkyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontology
Nakamura Kaizo
Department of Quantum Materials Science, Institute of Technology, The University of Tokushima
NAKAMURA Katsuhiro
The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago : Fukuoka Institute of Technology
有本 収
Department of Biological Mechanisms and Functions, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
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- 24aYE-6 β-ZnP_2における励起子ポラリトンの超高速緩和(24aYE 励起子・ポラトリン,領域5(光物性分野))