Coaxial Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopic System for Impurity Diagnostics in Plasmas
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1986-01-20
Plasma Physics Laboratory,Kyoto University
ODA Toshiatsu
Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
UO Koji
Plasma Physics Laboratory, Kyoto University
Uo Koji
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Uo Koji
Plasma Physics Laboratory Faculty Of Enginning Kyoto University
Oda Toshiatsu
Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Kondo K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Iiyoshi Atsuo
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University:(present Address) National Institute For Fusion Science
Plasma Physics Laboratory, Kyoto University
OHGO Tadashi
Faculty of Engineering, Oita University
KONDO Katsumi
Physics Department, Fukuoka University of Education
ODA Toshiatsu
Plasma Physics Laboratory, Kyoto University
Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Hamamoto Makoto
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Uchino Kiichiro
Department Of Energy Conversion Kyushu University
KONDO Kenjiro
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics
Kondo Kunitaka
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Iiyoshi A
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Ohgo T
Faculty Of Engineering Oita University
Iiyoshi Atuo
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Iiyoshi Atsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Keio University
- 29a-ZC-1 ヘリオトロンE真空磁気面測定(II)(プラズマ物理・核融合)
- 28p-Z-1 ヘリオトロンEにおけるNBIプラズマの輸送とその制御
- 4p-T-13 ヘリオトロンEにおける磁気面変形実験の輸送解析
- 30a-TH-9 ヘリオロンEにおける磁気面変形実験 (II)
- Density Profile Effects On Confinement and MHD Stability of Currentless NBI Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Application of Fraunhofer-Diffraction Method for Measurements of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- Spectrum Identification of Heliotron E Plasma Impurities by a Time-Resolving Grazing Incidence Spectrometer with a Multichannel Detector : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- The Sources of Fe Impurity in Heliotron E Plasma during NBI : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Studies of Particle Behaviour in Heliotron E by Means of Balmer-Alpha Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Neutral Density Measurements by Charge Exchange Analysis on the Heliotron E Plasma
- Two Pulse and Multiple Position Thomson Scattering System
- Improvement of Magnetohydrodynamic Stability and Beta Limit by Toroidal Plasma Current in Heliotron DR
- Ohmic Heating in Rising Phase of Confining Field in Heliotron DR
- Effects of Light Impurities on Electron Temperature Measured by Soft X-Ray Filter Method
- VUV Radiation Bolometer for Beam-Heated Currentless Plasmas in Heliotron-E
- Electron Thermal Energy of Ohmically-Heated Plasmas in Heliotron D
- Recent H-mode Results on ECH Plasmas in Heliotron J
- Experimental Study of Current Driven Relaxation Oscillations,in Heiotron E
- Coaxial Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopic System for Impurity Diagnostics in Plasmas
- Ray Tracing Analyses of Current-Free ECRH Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Thermonuclear Fusion Neutrons under"Currentless Plasmas"in Heliotron E
- Relaxation Oscillation in an Ohmic-Heated Heliotron E Plasma with a Zero Rotational Transform Surface
- Hydrogen Ion Species Analysis and Related Neutral Beam Injection Power Assessment in the Heliotron E Neutral Beam Injection System
- Experiments of MHD Activities of Low Modes in the Heliotron-D
- Confinement of Ohmically Heated Plasmas in Heliotron D
- Vacuum Magnetic Surface of l=2 Helical Systems
- Investigation of Electron Heating Due to the Kinetic Shear Alfven Wave in the Toroidal Plasma
- One-Dimensional Simulation of Photo-Detached Electrons in Negative lon Plasmas
- Dependence of Plasma Profiles on Ech Power Absorption in Heliotron-E
- Enhancement and Suppression of Density Fluctuations around Electron Drift Frequency in Heliotron E Plasmas Measured Using CO_2 Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Characteristics of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E Measured Using a Wide Beam Laser Phase Contrast Method
- Spectroscopic Studies on Carbon Coating in Heliotron E : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Electron Temperature Measurement Using Intensity Ratio of H_2 Fulcher α(d^3Π_u-a^3Σ_g) to H_α Emissions in a Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Experimental Investigation of the Fast Ion Orbit Shift and Loss Cone in Heliotron E
- Study of the Fast Ion Slowing-Down Process and ECRH Effects in Heliotron E
- Criteria of Applicability of Laser Thomson Scattering Measurements ofElectron Properties in Reactive Plasmas
- Laser Thomson Scattering Measurements of Electron Density and Temperature Profiles of a Striated Plasma in a Plasma Display Panel (PDP)-Like Discharge
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of Glow Discharge Plasmas Produced in Raman Active Gases
- Fracture Resistance and Contact Damage of TiN Particle Reinforced Si_3N_4 Ceramics(Properties (structural and functional),Guest Editors Dedicated to Prof. Gunter Petzow: Modern Trends in Advanced Ceramics)
- Direct Measurement of Sheath Electric Field Distribution in Front of Substrate in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in a High Shear Helical System
- Experiment on the Ohmic Heating of Plasma in the Heliotron C Magnetic Field. I. : Equilibrium
- Charge Exchange Neutral Particle Measurement in Heliotron E
- Improvement of the Laser Phase Contrast Method for Measuring the Spatial Distribution of Electron Density Fluctuations in Heliotron E
- NMR study on the formation mechanism of β-SiAlON from zeolite by nitridation using ammonia gas
- マイクロ放電プラズマ計測用トムソン散乱システムの開発
- Dynamical Likelihood Method for Reconstruction of Events with Missing Momentum. III. Analysis of a CDF High P_T eμ Event as tt^^-Production
- Spall behavior of steels under hypervelocity impact
- Ionization Coefficient in Gases under Nonuniform Electric Fields
- Enhancement of X-ray Enlission from a Cooled Kr Gas Jet Irradiated by an Ultrashort KrF Laser Pulse : Nuclear Sciences, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Luminescence in β-ZnP_2 at Low Temperatures : Intersystem Spin Conversion of Exciton Polaritons : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Laser Wakefield in Low Density Plasma : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Triplet-to-Singlet Conversion in the Exciton System in β-ZnP_2 : Anti-Stokes Exciton Luminescence
- Picosecond Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction of a Photoexcited Silicon Crystal (Short Note)
- Shock-Induced Electromotive Force in Aqueous Solution of Potassium Fluoride
- Picosecond Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction from Si(111) under High-Power Laser Irradiation
- Stark Profile Measurement of the He II 4686 A Line in a High Density Plasma
- Nitrogen Absorption by Sm_2Fe_(Guest Editors Dedicated to Prof. Gunter Petzow: Modern Trends in Advanced Ceramics)
- Fabrication and wear properties of TiN nanoparticle-dispersed Si_3N_4 ceramics(SiAlons and Non-oxides)
- 放電プラズマ計測へのレーザー散乱および蛍光法の適用 : 電子特性, 電界測定を中心にして
- 第3段階非協同レーザートムソン散乱によるプラズマ計測の進展
- レーザーによるプラズマ計測
- 25pB01 第3ステージ非協同レーザートムソン散乱によるプラズマ計測の進展(プラズマ基礎・応用I)
- レーザー応用プラズマ計測の新展開 : 第3段階非協同トムソン散乱計測を中心にして
- H2/CH4マイクロ波放電プラズマ内における分子及び電子の挙動のレーザー散乱計測
- Applicabilities of Laser Thomson Scattering to Various Kinds of Discharge Plasmas
- マルチヌル放電を用いた新しいスパッタシステムの開発
- グロー放電プラズマのレーザートムソン散乱計測による研究
- 30aA03 [招待講演]高気圧気体中の放電プラズマのレーザー散乱計測(プラズマ計測)
- 27pA39P 磁気中性線放電プラズマのスパッタリングへの応用(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 低圧環境下におけるダイヤモンド核形成初期過程の制御
- High Power Piezoelectric Characteristics of BiScO_3-PbTiO_3-Pb(Mn_Nb_)O_3
- Diamond Nucleation Enhancement on Si by Controlling Ion-Bombardment Energy in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
- Investigation of Elastic Nonlinearities in Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 and Pb(Mg_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Slngle Crystals : Electrical Properties of Condonsed Matter
- Crystal Growth and Piezoelectric Properties of Mn-Substituted Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3 Single Crystal(Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Influence of coarse particles on microstructure of aluminum nitride sintered body
- Electric Double Layer Capacitor Characteristics of Carbon Blacks Activated by Potassium Hydroxide
- Synthesis of β-SiAlON from a zeolite by reduction nitridation in a mixture of NH_3-C_3H_8
- Observation of Pre-breakdown Phenomena in Air by Laser Interferometry
- Application of an Acousto-optic Laser Deflector to Interferometric Measurement of Discharges in Air
- Application of Laser Wavefront Sensing to Diagnostics of High Voltage Impulse Discharges in Air
- A Fast Serial Readout System for Multiwire Propotional Chambers
- Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure during Firing on Electrical Properties of Splintered Body Composed of Mn_CoNi_O_4 : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- An Application of Dye-Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique to Absolute Calibration of a Vacuum Monochromator
- Quasi-Steady Population Inversions of He^+ in a Freely Expanding Plasma
- Measurement of Time-and Space-Resolved Ion Temperature in a Theta-Pinch Plasma
- Observation of Fast lon Heating and Fluctuating Electric Field in a Linear-Theta-Pinch Plasma
- Streak Camera Study of the Influence of a Transverse Magnetic Field on Plasma Flow in a T-Tube
- Spectroscopic Observation of Fluctuating Fields in a Theta Pinch Plasma with No Bias Field
- Influence of Plasma Expansion on a Spectral Line Decaying in an Ionizing Plasma in a Theta Pinch
- Time-and Space-Resolved Measurement of Fluctuating Electric Field during a Theta-Pinch Implosion
- Effects of Preparation Parameters on EDLC Performance of the Chars from Phenol-resin Prepolymers Containing Ferrocene and Polyethylene Glycols : Part II : Effect of Amount of Polymer Blends
- Effects of Preparation Parameters on EDLC Performance of the Chars from Phenol-resin Prepolymers Containing Ferrocene and Polyethylene Glycols : Part I : Effects of the Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Glycol and the Carbonization Temperature
- Effects of Preparation Parameters on EDLC Performance of the Chars from Phenol-resin Prepolymers Containing Ferrocene and Polyethylene Glycols : Part III : Effect of Heating Rate
- Photo-neutron production in Heliotron-E.
- 28pKC-5 高出力レーザー生成プラズマ及び衝撃波のターゲット材質依存性について(プラズマ宇宙物理(ダイナモ・リコネクション・衝撃波・ジェット),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 27pKC-5 無衡突衡撃破のレーザー模擬実験の成果(主題:超新星残骸の衝撃波・宇宙線加速の非線型プラズマ物理とそのレーザー実験の現状,領域2,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域,ビーム物理領域合同シンポジウム,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27pKC-5 無衝突衝撃波のレーザー模擬実験の成果(主題:超新星残骸の衝撃波・宇宙線加速の非線型プラズマ物理とそのレーザー実験の現状,領域2, 宇宙線・宇宙物理領域,ビーム物理領域合同シンポジウム,領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 28pKC-6 高出力レーザーを用いたプラズマジェットのコリメーション現象の研究(プラズマ宇宙物理(ダイナモ・リコネクション・衝撃波・ジェット),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- Coaxial Laser-Induced Fluorescense Spectroscopic System for Impurity Diagnostics in Plasmas