Transient Absorption of Hetero-Nuclear Relaxed Excitons in RbCl:I
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Transient absorption due to excitons relaxed in the configuration of [ICl - (V.) -F-electronl has been identified in RbCl : I under selective excitation into the localizedexciton band by using an ArF-excimer laser. The transient absorption spectrumwas found to arise from two groups of transitions : electron-transitions appearingin the infrared region and hole-transitions appearing in the ultraviolet region.This result is quite similar to that obtained in the STE absorption in pure alkalihalides. The peak location of each absorption band is compared with those ofabsorption bands due to STE's in RbCl and Rbl. Discussion is made on thepeak location of hole-transitions in terms of V?-type distortion of ICI- in RbClmatrux.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-08-15
有本 收
Department of Surgery, Doto Hospital, A Not-For-Profit Medical Foundation
NAKAI Yutaka
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
SASAKI Kazuaki
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Nakai Y
Shizuoka Inst. Sci. And Technol. Shizuoka
NAKAI Yoshio
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
Sasaki Kazuaki
Department Of Anatomy And Anthropology Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Kanno K
Department Of Material Science And Chemistry Wakayamna University
Arimoto Osamu
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Arimoto Osamu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Sasaki K
Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University
Nakai Yoshio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Scicncc Kyoto University
Kan'no Ken-ichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
KAN'NO Ken-ichi
Department of Material Science and Chemistry, Wakayamna University
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