Strain Effects on the Fundamental Absorption in Alkali Iodides
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1970-05-05
KONDO Shin-ichi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
Kondo Shin-ichi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University
Nakamura Kaizo
Department Of Physics Faci4ty Of Science Kyoto University
Nakamura Kaizo
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kondo Shin-ichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
- Protein Sequences of Two Keto Ester Reductases: Possible Identity as Hypothetical Proteins
- Photoluminescence Properties of ZnF_2:Mn^,(Zn,Mn) F_2 and MnF_2
- Movement of Iodine Ions in KCl: I under uv-Light Irradiation
- Piezoreflectance of the First Exciton Band of TlCl
- Piezoreflectance of the First Exciton Band of TlBr
- Uniaxial Stress Effects on the First Exciton Band of TlBr
- Piezoreflectance of TICI and TIBr at Liquid Helium Temperature
- Optical Constants of Quench-Deposited TlCl
- Electrical Properties of Quench-Deposited Amorphous SnTe Films
- Amorphous to Crystalline Transformation of Cold Condensed TlBr Films
- Internal Reflection Method for Measuring Optical Constants of Deposited Films
- Core Absorption Spectra of Crystalline and Amorphous GeTe Thin Films
- Absorption Spectra of Amorphous and Crystalline SnTe Thin Films in the 2-120eV Region
- Amorphous-Crystalline Transformation of SuTe Thin Films
- Photocrystallization of Cold Condensed Amorphous TlCl Films Detected by UV Absorption Measurements
- Annealing Behavior of Cold Condensed Amorphous TlCl Films Studied by UV Absorption Measurements
- Optical Absorption versus Reflection in Deposited CdI_2 Films
- Emission from the Higher Members of Exciton (n = 2,3 and 4) in β-ZnP_2
- Resonant Secondary Emission and Its Excitation Energy Dependence in Monoclinic Zinc Diphosphide
- Flavin Receptors. Effects of Melamine Derivatives Bearing Thiourea and Thiouronium Ion on the Binding and Reactivity of Flavin Mimics in Chloroform
- Flavin Receptors. Effect of the Acidity of Melamine Derivatives Bearing a 2-Arylguanidinium Ion on 6-Azaflavin Binding in Chloroform
- Functional Flavin Receptors.Bis-melamine Derivatives Bearing a Guanidinium Ion Which Bind 6-Azaflavin and a Thymine-Linked Substrate through Hydrogen Bonds in Chloroform
- Regulation of Redox Properties of 6 - Azaflavin by Hydrogen Bonding with a Receptor in Chloroform - Acetonitrile
- Bifunctional Receptor. Rate-acceleration of Oxidative Decarboxylation of Pyruvate by Thymine-Thiazolium and Zn^ in the Presence of a Melamine Derivative Bearing α-Bipyridine Moiety in Chloroform-Acetonitrile
- 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Radical Scavenging Activity of Bee Products and Their Constituents Determined by ESR
- Optical Phonons in Orthorhombic Indium Bromide Studied by Resonance Raman Scattering
- Multiple LO Phonon Scattering in Orthorhombic Thallous Iodide
- Optical Properties of Orthorhombic Thallous Iodide
- Resonant Light Scattering in InBr:Intensity Alternation of Multiple LO Phonon Scattering
- Multiple LO Phonon Scattering in Indium Bromide
- Exciton Transitions in Indium Halides
- Relaxation Processes of Free Excitons in KBr:Na
- Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons in KBr:Na
- Luminescence of Iodine Dimers in KCl:I
- Luminescence in β-ZnP_2 at Low Temperatures : Intersystem Spin Conversion of Exciton Polaritons : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Triplet-to-Singlet Conversion in the Exciton System in β-ZnP_2 : Anti-Stokes Exciton Luminescence
- Fundamental Absorption of KI-NaI Solid Solutions
- F-H Pair Creation from Localized Exciton in KBr:I
- Direct and Indirect Exciton Transitions in InBr_xI_Mixed Crystals
- Cloning and Nucleotide Sequencing of Two Insecticidal δ-Endotoxin Genes from Bacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki HD-1 DNA(Biological Chemistry)
- Photoluminescence of the SrS:Mn^Phosphor and Pb^-Sensitized Luminescence of the SrS:Pb^,Mn^Phosphor
- Strain Effects on the Fundamental Absorption in Alkali Iodides
- Nonradiative Relaxation Processes of Excitons in β-ZnP_2 Studied by Photocalorimetric Spectroscopy : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Kinetics of Recombination Luminescence in Potassium Halides Containing Tl^+-Ions
- Lifetimes of Singlet and Triplet Excitons in β-ZnP_2
- Polariton Luminescence in Monoclinic ZnP_2 Crystal
- Magneto-Reflectance of Excitons in Indium Halides
- Resonant Raman Scattering and Luminescence in Indium Iodide
- Temperature Dependence of Exciton Reflection Spectra in Monoclinic Zinc Diphosphide
- Optical Characterization of Quench-Deposited PbBr_2 Films and Their Annealing Behavior
- Effects of Chemical Disorder on Crystallization Behavior in Amorphaous TlCl_Br_χ Films Studied by UV Absorption Measurements
- Amorphous CdI_2 Films and Their Crystallization Studied by Simultaneous Measurements of Optical Absorption and Reflection
- Chevron Layer Structure and Focal Conics in Chiral Smectic C Liquid-Crystal Cells Aligned by SiO Oblique Evaporation Technique
- Powder Flow Z-pinch as a New Scheme of Z-pinch
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering of Exciton-Polaritons in β-ZnP_2
- Least Squares Locating Method Using Multi-Parallel Projections
- Photoluminescence Spectra of Eu^ Centers in Ca(S, Se):Eu and Sr(S, Se):Eu
- The Optical Absorption of Localized Exciton in KCl-KI Crystal
- Optical Properties of Irradiated LiF Crystals in the Extreme Ultraviolet Region
- Reflection and Absorption Spectra of LiF in the Extreme Ultraviolet Region
- Optical Absorption of Localized Exciton in KCl:I and NaCl:I Single Crystals
- Anion Recognition by 1, 3-Benzenedisulfonamide Derivatives Bearing Phenolic Hydroxy Groups in MeCN-d_3
- Cooperative Effect of a Metal Ion and Hydrogen Bonds on Phosphodiester Cleavage in Acetonitrile
- Infrared Lattice Vibration Spectra at Low Temperature in β-ZnP_2
- Optical Absorption near the Fundamental Edge in Amorphous Thallous Halides
- Anomalous Exciton Absorption in PbI_2 Films Produced via Amorphous-To-Crystalline Transformation
- Optical Characterization of Amorphous PbI_2 Films and Their Crystallization
- Intersystem Conversion between Singlet and Triplet Exciton States in ZnP_2
- Probable Errors in the Internal Reflection Method for Optical Constant Measurements
- Optical Properties of Polyacetylene
- Optical Properties of Calcite in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
- Reflection Spectra of CdCl_2-CdBr_2 Mixed Crystals in the Region of Band Gap Excitons
- Optical Constants and Polarization-Dependent Reflection Spectra of CdCl_2 and CdBr_2 Single Clystals
- Exciton Absorption in KI-RbI Mixture
- Luminescence from the Aggregated Cu^+ Centers in SrS:Cu^+
- Donor-Like Excitons in Microcrystalline CuBr Films Produced by Quench-Deposition
- Reflection Spectrum of RbCl in the Extreme Ultraviolet
- Quench Deposited Amorphous TlI Films and Their Crystallization Studied by Optical Absorption Measurements
- Photoluminescence of St^ Centers in SrS and SrSe
- Influence of Paired Mn^ Centers on the Luminescence Spectra of CaS:Mn^
- Dispersion Studies of CdI_2, CdBr_2 and CdCl_2
- Ratiometric Fluorescence Detection of Anions by an Amide-Based Receptor Bearing Pyrenyl Groups
- Intersystem Conversion between Singlet and Triplet Exciton States in ZnP2
- Exciton Absorption in Mixed Alkali Chlorides, KCl-RbCl and KCl-NaCl
- Nonstoichiometry and electrical resistivity in two mixed metal oxides, La2NiO4-x and LaSrNiO4-x.
- The electrical properties of La2-xSrxNiO4 (0.LEQ.x.LEQ.1).