Nuclear Magnetic Resonances of Fe^<57> in Fe_4N and Mn^<55> in Mn_4N
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1964-03-05
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Amaya Kiichi
Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Amaya Kiichi
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Kyoto University
ABE Hisashi
Department of Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:(present)department Of Physics University
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Abe Hisashi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Abe Hisashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of General Education Nagoya University
Amaya Kiichi
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science
Hirai Akira
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Hirai Akira
Department Of Internal Medicine Chiba Municipal Hospital
AJIR0 Yoshitami
Department of Physics, Faculity of Science, Kyoto University
YASU0KA Hiroshi
Department of Physics, Faculity of Science, Kyoto University
Ajir0 Yoshitami
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Kyoto University
Matsuura Motohiro
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Kyoto University
Matsuura Motohiro
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Hirai Akira
Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Matsuura Motohiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Abe Hisashi
Department Of Forest Genetics Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:(present)department Of Physics University
Abe Hisashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University Kyoto
Yasuoka Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:(present)department Of Physics University
Hirai Akira
Departent Of Materials Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyoto University
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