Vibronic States of Polyacetylene,(CH)_X
- 論文の詳細を見る
Electronic states of m-electrons coupled with lattice vibrations in a linear con-jugated carbon chain, are calculated with a particular purpose of clarifiing thevibronic structure of bond alternation defect. First the vibronic Hamiltonianis derived from a general Hamiltonian. It is shown in the adiabatic approxima-lion that the ground state of an odd number of carbon atoms corresponds to thebond alternation defect with an unpaired electrorr. Then taking account of thekinetic energy of lattice vibrations, the vibronic s1.ates of the defect is obtained.It is shown that the unpaired electron moves relatively freely. Finally a methodto calculate self-consistently the electronic states and the lattice deformation inthe presence of Coulomb interaction is presented. It is shown within the Hartree-Fock approximation that the ground state changes from CDW state to SDWstate with increase of on-site Coulomb interaction.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1983-02-15
Saito Riichiro
Department Of Electronic Engineering University Of Electro-communications
Kamimura Hiroshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Gunma University
Saito Riichiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Kamimura Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Physics . Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Kamimura Hiroshi
Department of Physics Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo
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