Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic CO_3O_4. : I. Experimental Study
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Nuclear magnetic resonance of Co^<59> in polycrystalline Co_3O_4 and ZnCo_2O_4, and Al^<27> in CoAl_2O_4 in paramagnetic state was observed. The cobalt signal was identified with the Co^<3-> ions at the octahedral sites of the spinel structure. The line shift of Co^<59> in Co_3O_4 was separated into two terms: temperature-independent and temperature-dependent ones. The temperature-independent shift (1.5%) is interpreted as the second order chemical shift due to the mixing of the low lying excited state. The temperature-dependent shift is attributed to the hyperfine coupling between the cobalt nuclear spin and the electron spins on the Co^<2+> ions at the tetrahedral sites. The isotropic hyperfine coupling constant A is estimated at 13×10^<-4>cm^<-1>. The results on ZnCo_2O_4 and CoAl_2O_4 give supports to the above interpretations. The line shapes were studied and the thermal relaxation time T_1 was estimated to be 1.5×10^<-5>sec.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1966-03-05
Department of Physics, Waseda University
Kohn Kay
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Kohn Kay
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
IIDA Shuichi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo
Iida Shuichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Miyatani Kazuo
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kamimura Hiroshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Gunma University
Kamimura Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Physics . Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Iida Shuichi
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science University Of Tokyo
Miyatani K.
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Iida Shuichi
Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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