Electric and Magnetic Low-Temperature Phase Transitions of YbMn_2O_5
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We made zneasurements of dielectric constant, pyroelectric current, rnagnetic susceptibility andmagnetoelectric effect of single crystals of YbMnrO.,. From the results, we concluded that therewere two phase transitions besides antiferrornagnetic transition at approximately 40 K. The firsttransition at 32 K is characterized by a peak of dielectric constant, a kink of rnagnetoelectricpolarization and an appearance of pyroelectricity below this temperature. It was consideredto be electric in nature. The second one is at 6 K. It is also accompanied by another peak ofdielectric constant, a steep rise of pyroelectricity and anomalies of both magnetic and magne-toelectric susceptibilities. We suppose that the ordering of Yb" magnetic moments begins todevelop at this temperature, involving a change in the crystal structure and then in spontaneouspolarization, The low temperature phase has a magnetic field-induced transition which occursat about 19 k0e at 4.2 K.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1996-05-15
Nakamura Hideki
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Abashiri Kohsei General Hospital
Kohn Kay
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Iwata Nobuyuki
Department Of Electronics & Computer Science College Of Science & Technology Nihon Universit
Iwata Nobuyuki
Department Of Physics Waseda University
猪又 明大
富士通研究所 磁気ディスク先行研究部
KOYATA Yasuharu
Department of Physics,Waseda University
Department of Physics,Waseda University
Koyata Yasuharu
Department Of Physics Waseda University
Nakamura Hideki
Department Of Physics Waseda University
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