Rotational Cooling and Vibrational Heating in Associative Desorption
- 論文の詳細を見る
Internal state distribution of hydrogen molecules interacting with metal surfaces is calculated with the use of the coupled channel method on the basis of the concept of a reaction path. Coupling between vibrational, rotational and translational degrees of freedom of the molecules is taken into account. Rotational cooling and vibrational heating in the associative desorption process are explained together with vibrationally assisted sticking in the dissociative adsorption process.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1992-02-25
Okiji Ayao
Department Of Aplied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Kasai Hideaki
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
- SO_2 Reaction on Cu(100): SO_3 Structure and Formation : Density Functional Theory Investigation(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Ising Replicated System of ±J Model
- The Ground State of a Replicated Ising System
- Application of Real Replica Method to Syozi Model
- 29pPSB-66 Stability of Three-Hydrogen Clusters on Graphene
- 26aRJ-1 Discriminating hydrogen structures on graphite
- 25pPSB-34 Hydrogen atom quantum scattering on platinum
- Amino Acid Adsorption Effects on Nanotube Electronics
- Polybutylene Terephthalate Adhesion on Metals : A Density Functional Theory Investigation
- 19aXF-9 Fuel cell design : the diffusion of hydrogen on platinum
- Examining Poly(Phenylene Sulfide) Adhesion using Cluster Models (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Density Functional Calculations for H2 Adsorption on Fe(OH)3 by Considering Molecular Orientation (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- 27aXD-11 Amino acid adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes
- 26pXD-10 A nanoscale inspection on the adhesion of some thermoplastics on aluminum
- Electric and Magnetic Properties of Co-filled Carbon Nanotube(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- First Principles Study of Electric and Magnetic Properties of Benzene-Iron Multiple-Decked Sandwich Chain(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- First-Principles Calculations for Chemical Reaction between Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate and Transition-Metal (Cr) atom to Produce Cr(DDC)_3 and Cr(DDC)_2ODDC
- Density Functional Study for Chemical Reaction between Cr and Fe with Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDC)
- Density Functional Theory Investigation of One-Dimensional Organic-Metallic Multiple-Decked Sandwich Model (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Spin Polarization of a Multiple-decked Sandwich Clusters : M(C_6H_6)_2(M = Mn, Fe, Co)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetic-Adsorbate-Induced Spin Polarization in Carbon Materials : Two Fe Atoms on Planar C_ and C_H_8 (Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- 22aYE-4 First principles study of H_2 interaction with Fe(OH)_3 : Effect of molecular orientation on the ortho-para H_2 conversion
- 22aYC-1 Effect of Hydrogen termination on the spin polarization of a carbon material doped with iron atom
- 28pPSB-51 Spin polarization of a carbon material induced by iron atoms
- New Method to Enhance the ortho-para H_2 Conversion by using Dynamical Quantum Filtering Effect and Steric Effect
- Molecular Orientation Dependence of o-p Conversion of H_2 Scattered from a 3d Impurity Sitting on a Metal Oxide Surface
- 29pPSA-34 Molecular Orientation Dependence of o-p H_2 Conversion in Scattering Process
- Elementary Excitation Spectra in the s-d Model at Finite Temperatures
- Charge and Spin Excitation Spectra in the Degenerate Anderson Model
- Crystal-Field Effects on the Periodic Anderson Model by Gutzwiller Approximation
- H/Pd(111) Absorption and Desorption Dynamics : Hydrogen-Induced Lattice Relaxation Effects
- Probing Local Surface Reactivity With Hydrogen Molecules : Realizing an Atom/Molecule Scanning Probe
- Magnetic Properties of Fe Thin Films on Cu(111)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Scattering Dynamics of Hydrogen Molecules on Metal Alloy Surfaces : Probing Local Surface Reactivity with Hydrogen Molecules
- Lifetime of Shockley States on Metal Surfaces : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Effects of Correlation between Molecular Diffraction and Rotational Excitation on the Scattering Dynamics of H_2 from Cu(001) : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Spatial and Spectroscopic Profiles of the Kondo Resonance for a Single Magnetic Atom on a Metal Surface under an External Magnetic Field
- Dissociative Adsorption Dynamics of H_2(D_2) on Metal Alloy Surfaces : A First Step Towards Surface Reaction Design/Control : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- A Model Calculation for the Dissociative Scattering of Hydrogen Molecules from Metal Surfaces
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- Rotational Alignment in the Associative Desorption Dynamics of Hydrogen Molecules from Metal Surfaces
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- Magnetoresistance of Metallic Multilayers
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- On the Magnetic Field Dependence of First Order Light Scattering by Antiferromagnets
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- Effects of Electronic Excitations on Translational Energy Distribution of Ions Scattered by Metal Surfaces
- Rotational Cooling and Vibrational Heating in Associative Desorption
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- Vibrational States of NO Molecules Scattered from Pt(111) Surface