Intersubband Elementary Excitations of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in Quantum-Well
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Theoretical study is made for the dispersion relation and for the spectra of intersubband elementary excitations in the quasi-two dimensional electron gas of GaAs/Al-GaAs quantum well. Density-density correlation functions appearing in expressions for transition probabilities are calculated by means of the perturbation expansion with respect to the Coulomb interactions between electrons in the conduction sub-bands. From the calculated results, at long-wavelength limit the effects of the attractive Coulomb interactions between electrons and holes on the energy shift of the collective excitations from the single-particle excitations are shown to be comparable to the depolarization effects. The peak positions of the collective charge- and spin-density excitations in spectra are in qualitative agreement with the recent experimental findings.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-01-15
Okiji Ayao
Department Of Aplied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Suga Seiichiro
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University
Kumada Seiya
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Suga Seiichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
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