Spin Dynamics of NTENP and NDMAP in Transverse Magnetic Fields(Low Dimensional Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
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We calculate the field dependence of dynamical structure factors of the S=1 bond-alternating Heisenberg-chain compound Ni (C_9D_<24>N_4)(NO_2) ClO_4 and the S=1 Haldanegap compound Ni (C_5D_<14>N_2)_2N_3 (PF_6). We show that in the former system the highest magnon branch vanishes at H〜0.63H_c and one gapped branch emerges in H>H_c, where H_c is the critical field for the energy-gap closing. In the latter system, by contrast, three distinct magnon branches appear below and above H_c. The results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental findings.
- 2005-10-31
Suga Sei-ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Suga Seiichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Suzuki Takahumi
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
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