- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was intended to clarify the image of physical education teachers from two view points, teacher training system and educational content of physical education, from early Meiji to the termination of World War II in Japan. In Japan the national training center of gymnastics was established to train teacher for school physical education for the first time in 1878. In 1886 a new education law was promulgated. At the secondary school, the main content of physical education was changed military-style gymnastics from light gymnastics. And also the number of gymnastic teachers were insufficient so that secondary schools increased rapidly. Therefore many noncommissioned officers were engaged as gymnastic teacher of school. In the period from the Meiji to the Taisho, the number of gymnastic teachers from army form 50 per cent of the whole and the 80 per cent of the number were unqualified teacher. We named those the military typed teacher of gymnastics. The Ministry of Education made public in 1913 (the second year of Taisho) for the first time the school physical education syllabus. According to this syllabus, it was much accounted of play and sport as the content of school physical education. In this Taisho period it appeared the different typed physical education teachers from the former gymnastic teachers. We named this the sportsman typed teachers of physical education. This typed teacher was skilled in any sport himself and he has a character as sportsman. And also the teacher's license was qualified not only physical education but also physiology, ethics and so on. Thus, Ministry of Education layed special emphasis upon the training for fine teacher of physical education as educator. Into the Showa period, it was much accounted of the Budo as Judo, Kendo and so on in the content of school physical education. Especially the Budo was emphasized for cultivating the national sprit from olden time in Japan. Accordingly, Ministry of Education layed special emphasis upon the training of the teacher who can instruct the Budo. At this point, we named it the Budo typed teachers of physical education. As mentioned above, the image of physical education teachers was classified three types, military typed, sportsman typed and the Budo typed teachers and were shown characteristics of each type in this Study.
- 東海大学の論文
古谷 嘉邦
古谷 嘉邦
古谷 嘉邦
小村 渡岐麿
小村 渡岐麿
小村 渡岐麿
井上 一男
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