<研究論文>陸上競技男子投擲選手における心理的適性についての一考察(そのI) : TSMIとY-G検査について
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1. Purpose : This paper represents the Psychological aptitudes of male throwing athletes and contributes to the improvement of athlethic ability from now on. 2. Procedure : 1) Tests : (1) Taikyo Sport Motivation Inventory (TSMI) (2) Yatabe-Guilford Personality Inventory (Y-G Test) 2) Subjects : (1) N-University Group : 20 athletes (2) C-Universtiy Group : 15 athletes (3) T-University Group : 25 athletes (4) General Persons Group : 20 athletes 3) Testing Term : From the middle of June to the middle of July in 1992 3. Results : 1) TSMI : The general persons group performs in the same rank or one rank higher than the other students' groups in most of all item scales, except in TS10 item scale, it performs one rank lower than the other students' groups. 2) Y-G Test : The general persons' group was categolized in D'Type, and students' groups was in A Type. Groups categolized in D Type seemed to be more athetic motivation. 4. Conclusion : From the point of view : the general persons vs. students, athletic performance level, athletic career, categolized type of personality, athletic motivation and personality seem to be the important Psychological aptitudes for male throwing athletes.
- 陸上競技男子投擲選手における心理的適性についての一考察(そのII) : TSMIとY-G検査について
- 陸上競技男子投擲選手における心理的適性についての一考察(そのI) : TSMIとY-G検査について
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