中距離走のペースに関する実験的研究 (第二報)
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This study was intended to investigate the pace of the middle distance running from several experiments, and this was a serial investigation which had reported in this bulletin of 1972. Nine experienced distance runners completed three experimental runs of equal distance and duration (1400m., 4min.) on a motor driven treadmill. Each run varied according to the pace (fast-slow, slow-fast, steady), with the individual order of runs rotated to prevent bias in this respect. Oxygen consumption, heart rate and respiration rate were taken during exercise and a 45-minutes recovery period. And separately, the subjects performed continuous treadmill runnings up to exhaustion after the three kinds of 1400m-running varied according to pace. Results obtained in this study were as follows. 1) There were no significant differences among the three pace types in net oxygen intake during the runs. 2) The total oxygen debt for the fast-slow pace was lower than for either the slow-fast or the steady paces. 3) The oxygen requirements for the fast-slow pace showed a tendency to be less than that for the other two paces. 4) Recovery of heart rates and respiration rates for the fast-slow pace showed a tendency to be more rapid than that for the other two paces. 5) The reserve performance-time up to exhaustion after the three pace runs were significantly long for the fast-slow pace. 6) It was concluded that a fast-slow pace is the most efficient for achieving best time and last spurt in the middle distance running.
- 東海大学の論文
村木 征人
小村 渡岐麿
有吉 正博
小村 渡岐麿
村木 征人
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