- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Purpose : (1) The purpose of this paper is attemp to study what personality traits the top Japanese gymnasts have. (2) We intend to clarify characteristics of the personality traits of the gymnasts and to make psychological coaching methods for them. 2. Procedures : Subjects are 13 of top gymnasts in Japan. Items of tests are Yatabe-Guilford personality inventory and interviews with top gymnasts and national coaches of Japan Gymnastic Association. 3. Results : (1) Gymnasts showed Type D : 8,Type C : 3,and Type A : 2 of personality category in Yatabe-Guilford test. (2) Y-G test average profile in gymnasts was almost similar with the athlets. 4. Conclusion : We could not find characteristics of personality traits in gymnasts, but guess that there is similarity in personality traits between individual sports and its sports-man.
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