- 論文の詳細を見る
Amteurism in sports has recently become a major issue. In this country, the enactment of the new "Sports Charter" in May, 1986 by the Japan Amateur Sports Association has had a great influence on every athletic organization. The Sports Charter revised and relaxed the standardization of former rules concerning amateurism. This made it possible for every athletic organization to give prize money and monetary merit awards to superior athletes, and such practice has steadily been realized. However, there are misgivings that this practice will bring upon a result that contradicts the part of the former regulations concerning amateurism which says "Amateur athletes shall not (intentionally) seek material gains by means of sports." This study attempts to indicate one way of approaching this important problem, and the following matters will be taken up : 1) A study of the Ancient Olympic Games, the birth of amateur sports, the Modern Olympic Games, and so forth. Particulary on the basis of the amateur rules that were indicated in the Olympic Charter and the rules of eligibility for the Olympic Games, the study elucidates the relationship between (1) changes in the concept of amateur and (2) material and monetary compensation given to athletes entering the Olympic Games. 2) A clarification of the reasons the Japan Amateur Sports Association enacted the new Sports Charter. This study considers that it has become Possible for every sports organization to give such material and monetary gains as prize money and merit awards to its athletes. 3) The essence and structure of sports and two dimentions of sports, which are "Sports as they are" and "Sports as they should be." "Sports as they are" is the fundamental aspect common to all sports. When it is done with each person having his own objective, diversification as actual form is born. Various forms of sports exist between the two extremities of recreational sports and competitive sports. At present, it is becoming necessary to give athletes who are in the top level of competitive sports suitable material gain (compensation), and this paper will deal with this.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
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