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This study was intended to ascertain performance changes in javelin throw by varying approach velocity. Two skilled throwers, three semiskilled throwers and two unskilled throwers were emploied as subjects to experiment javelin throws with five different approach velocity such as standing throw, with 40%, 60%, 90%, of maximum approach velocity, and throwing the subjects has used in the athletic meeting. Each throw phases was filmed by a 16mm cinecamera at 64fps from a lateral view. The filmes were digitized and the various kinematical data were obtained through a computerized data processing system. The following results were obtained to evaluate the javelin throw exercise done at different approach velocity. 1) The correlation was observed between best record and running ability. 2) The correlation was observed between standing throw record and running ability. 3) On skilled and semiskilled flight distance of javelin increaced as approach velocity increased from standing throw to game throw. At throwing with 90% of maximum approach velocity, flight distance of javelin decreased. On unskilled flight distance of javelin changed irregularly as approach velocity changed (Fig. 2). 4) On skilled the strong correlation was observed between flight distance and initial velocity of javelin with change of approach velocity. On semiskilled and unskilled the general tendency was not evident (Fig. 3). 5) On skilled angle of javelin (attitude of angle of release, angle, angle of attack) was kept equilibrium in all approach velocities. On semiskilled and unskilled angle of javelin changed irregularly as approach velocity increaced (Fig. 4). 6) On skilled the relationship between approach velocity and factors related to initial velocity of javelin and the relationship between approach velocity and initial velocity were the snme. On semiskilled and unskilled the general tendency was not evident (Fig. 5). 7) On skilled changes of velocity of selected points during the throwing phase was same pattern at four approach velocities except at throwing with 90% of maximum approach velocity. At throwing 90% of maximum approach velocity shoulder and hip velocity increased before 0.05sec from release, and directly after then, wrist velocity decreased. On semiskilled and unskilled the velocity of grip, elbow, shoulder and hip gas same pattern at all approach velocities (Fig. 6,7). 8) Concerning contribution of body segments, on skilled elbow and shoulder decreased, wrist and hip incraesed at throwing with 90% of maximum approach velocity. On semiskilled and unskilled contribution of body segments changed irregularly as approach velocity changed (Fig. 8). 9) Concerning angle of selected joints during the throwing phase, on skilled the range of shoulder and hip angle decreased and angle of elbow decreased early and angle of left knee decreased pretty at throwing with 90% of maximum approach velocity. On semiskilled and unskilled changes of angle of selected joints were smooth, and the general tendency was not evident between approach velocity and angle of selected joints (Fig. 9).
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
古谷 嘉邦
有賀 誠司
古谷 嘉邦
古谷 嘉邦
古谷 嘉邦
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