- 論文の詳細を見る
The level of track and field in the United States of America has recently been the highest in the world. One reason for this might be that there are a large number of talented athletes. However, the authors also believe it is impossible to keep this hight level without the help of excellent coaches. The purpose of this report is to find out what coaches' functions are, and what they think about coaching. The subjects of the questionnaires were the university coaches of Division I, II, III of National Collegeate Athleticst Associations in the U.S.A. The result to the following questions are summarized below. 1. What is their occupational status?-About a half of the coaches contacted through the questionaire were full-time coaches in all three Divisions. In Division I, 89% were full-time, in Division II, 52% full time, and in Division III, 50% full time. On the other hand, the ratio of the "full-time teachers who coach" was the highest in Division III and the lowest in Division I. The ratio of the "part-time coaches" had the same tend as the latter. 2. What is the purpose of coaching?-What motivated them to be coaches : 1st-love of coaching, 2nd-love of sports, 3rd-education through athletics, 4th-income, 5th-love of being a leader, and 6th making name as a coach. What type of reward did they get from coaching? : 1st-athlete's growth as a person, 2nd-improvement of athlete's records, 3rd-winning competitions, 4th-team unity, 5th-relationship with athletes, 6th-recruiting talented athletes, 7th recognition as an accomplished coach. There was no differences among the three Divisions. 3. What do they think the important role of a coach are?-The roles thought important were : instructor (70%), motivator (50%), recruiter (25%), organizer (21%), father's figure (8%), and public relations person (8%). 4. How much stress do they feel during coaching?-The kinds of things that stress them were : 1st-lack of support and understanding from the administration, 2nd-their own mistakes, 3rd-lack of (difficulty in) students' improvement, 4th-lack of assistants, 5th-inadequate facility, 6th-lack of talented athletes (talent), 7th-disrespectful behavior of athletes, 8th-lack of support from athletes, 9th-lack of confidence in their knowledge. 5. What do they think the important characteristics of a coach? Characteristics that they think important were : enthusiasm (63%), integrity (58%), knowledge (52%), leadership (48%), patience (36%), discipline (33%), open-mindness (32%), sensitivity (25%), creativity (20%), ingenuity (18%), and ambition (17%). 6. How do they communicate with the athletes?-Their ways of communication were : personal conference (97%), group meeting (70%), eating together (12%), writing letters (8%), inviting to one's home (7%), and going out for drinking (5%). 7. How do they motivate the athletes?-Their ways of motivation were : positive reinforcement (78%), setting realistic goals (72%), providing good competitions (43%), recognition (20%), and reward (9%). (This has made us realize the importance of positive reinforcement in coaching.) 8. What coaching style do they prefer?-Coaching style they prefer were : 1st-family atmosphere, 2nd-democratic atmosphere, 3rd-easy-going atmosphere, and 4th-dictatorship.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1996-03-31
宮川 千秋
高野 進
高野 進
植田 恭史
植田 恭史
宮川 千秋
宮川 千秋
高野 進
植田 恭史
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