- 論文の詳細を見る
The term "centering (of gravity and balance)" is not generally used in the discussion of sports and not much reported in university bulletins, it has been considered an important element in traditional Japanese martial art in terms of movement and concentration. Through experiences, the author thinks centering of gravity and balance is very important in performing jump events. The purpose of the this study is to investigate the effects of centering in improving performances in jump events. Centering consists of three elements : (1) focusing on the center, (2) maintaining the center while in movement, and (3) movement of the center (by hip rotation). The author investigated how the centering would affect concentration, relaxation, development of physical ability, and improvement of athletic skills in relation to various performance situations in athletic meets. The study was conducted by examining available documents. The following results were obtained. 1. Focusing on the center : In jumps, concentration and relaxation must be achieved quickly to be ready for each trial. The center which is situated at center of gravity can adjust the autonomic nerve, and control the emotion and volition. By focusing on the center, the subject was able to maintain balance mentally and physically, and was able to have controlled movement and power useful in performing good jumps. 2. Keeping the center : Effective take-off brings about the explosive power and controlled movement of the legs and arms by drawing the upper part of the body and legs together. Keeping the center at the abdomen by bending is effective in controlling movement, force, and power in performing jumps. 3. Movement of the center (by hip rotation) : Effective take-off and the consequent jumping movement can be achieved by sustaining horizontal speed and explosive muscular power by applying "active foot placement" and "rowing motion" at landing. Both "active foot placement" and a "rowing motion" can be achieved by the movement of the center led by "hip rotation." Centering is considered to be effective in enhancing efficient movement and explosive muscular power in various aspects of movements in jumps performances.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1995-03-31
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